Chapter 12: Karkat

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My eyes were shut and my breathing was even as I slept soundly, snuggled under my Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sheets and blankets, but that didn't mean I couldn't hear Kankri in the next room over. The window squeaked and I heard muffled voices; one of them being Kankri's and the other much lower. Then it was silent. I could barely hear Kankri's footsteps through the hallway and the creak of the door, and even then I had to strain my ears. What was he up to? I wondered, sitting up in bed and staring at my bedroom door. The wall clock above it read 12:14 AM. Great. Midnight. What the hell was he doing up this late? He didn't have any homework to finish...
I threw the blanket off of myself and silently got out of bed, thankful I had worn socks the night before. My padded feet were silent on the wooden floor as I crept to my door, opening it a crack in order to peek out and still remain hidden. Kankri padded silently across the hall and made his way back to his bedroom without noticing me. I tiptoed out of my room, down the hallway, and into Kankri's room just in time to see him disappear out the window.
"KAN-" I almost screamed before slapping a hand over my mouth, forgetting for a moment that I was supposed to be silent. He can't end it like this, over something so stupid, not without saying goodbye! All because of Dad...
I ran downstairs as quickly as I could, not bothering to be quiet anymore. I had to make sure he was okay. Once I had gotten outside, I could see Cronus carrying Kankri bridal style to his car. It wasn't too hard to figure out what had happened.
Knowing he was safe, I decided to act quickly and run back up to my room, grabbing one of my favorite movies, The Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith is probably the most amazing actor ever to exist. On my way back down the hall, I noticed Kankri's sweater laying on his bed out of the corner of my eye. It shocked me that he had left it here, considering he wore it so often that it was pretty much an identifiable feature for him. I grabbed the sweater and darted back down the stairs, hoping to catch him before he left. As soon as I made it to the door, the engine on the car started and they looked like they were about to drive away.
"KANKRI! HEY, WAIT!" I shouted, running up to the car before they could drive away. Kankri rolled down his window and looked up at me. Cronus was next to him in the backseat. "I heard about what happened," I began, trying not to cry at the fact that my only brother was planning on leaving without saying good-bye. "I hear just about everything that goes on in this house." I took in a deep breath, preparing my thoughts and hoping the others didn't realize how shaky it was, then waved to Cronus as a way to sort of stall for time. "I want you to have these so you don't forget me," I said, handing the DVD on top of the neatly folded sweater to Kankri.
"Thank you, Karkat. Be careful with Dad, okay?"
I nodded, then paused. As embarrassing as it was, the sky was dark and this just seemed like an appropriate farewell for the occasion. "Can... Can I have a hug?"
Kankri stared at me in shock for a moment before nodding. I didn't wait for him to get out himself, just grasped the door handle and yanked it open as fast as I could. He stood up and I wasted no time in wrapping my arms securely around his torso and burying my face in his sweater. The feeling of his arms around me, even if only for one last time, was comforting.
"Kankri?" I asked, letting go of him to get a good look at his face.
"Will I ever see you again?"
He paused in thought before responding slowly. "Hopefully, yes. I'll try to visit you from time to time, although it will be difficult... But Karkat?"
"I want you to know that you're always loved. It may be hard to believe at times, but never forget it. Okay?"
He slid back into his seat and closed the door. "Oh, and this conversation never happened as far as Dad knows, got it? You just woke up and I was gone."
"I got it."
He rolled up the window and I stepped back from the street as the car drove away into the distance. I waved from the driveway until they disappeared.
So that was it. My brother had left us to be with his boyfriend, and I was left alone with an angry dad. Fan-fucking-tastic.

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