Chapter 5

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It's been 3 months since the conference by this point in the story.
Cronus and I have been seeing each other more and more often as time goes on. Our personalities are completely compatible-- his easy, forgiving temper offsetting my fiery one-- making our friendship even stronger. Our senses of humor are also rather similar, though I could do without his sex jokes and objectification of women. Other than that, he's absolutely perfect. That's the only fitting way to describe him, honestly. He gives the best hugs and always smells nice and his hair and teeth and smile and laugh are all so soothing and... perfect. There really is no better word for him.

It wasn't until one day, that one fateful summer day, that he decided to take this fact and use it. Whether it was for better or for worse, I may never know.

I remember the day clearly. It was raining heavily outside my window and I was bored out of my mind. There was nothing to do and Cronus wasn't responding to my texts, which was concerning. I was about to call him to make sure everything was okay when the doorbell rang.
"I GOT IT!" Karkat's voice rang out from somewhere in the house, followed by the sound of little 15-year-old feet scampering to the door.
I waited, listening carefully to try and hear who it was, when I heard that unmistakeable voice belonging to Cronus Ampora. I stood up quickly, dropping my phone and running downstairs, a bit too eagerly now that I look back at it, but I was worried about him.
Cronus was standing just outside the front door, under the roof of our front porch, his leather jacket draped over his head to keep mostly dry and all of him dripping wet regardless.
"Hey chief. Can I come in?" he asked when he saw me, smiling beautifully.
I nodded. "Of course!"
Karkat groaned and left the room to go play in the basement.
Cronus stepped inside and closed the door behind him, standing in a puddle of rainwater on the hardwood floor.
He spoke first. "So uh... Your dad around?"
"No, he's working on his lesson for Sunday."
"Great. I don't think I'd be able to do this if he was here."
I tilted my head slightly, watching as Cronus took from inside his jacket a bouquet of bright red roses, a little crumpled and bent out of shape from being hidden in a jacket for who knows how long. Then he got down on one knee.
"Cronus, I..."
"Kankri Vantas." The name, my name, sounded so wonderful in his voice. "I've known ya for a while now, and I think now's as good a time as any to say this. I..." He paused, clearing his throat. "I like you. Like, like you like you. I've liked ya since the day we met and the feelin' just never went away. I really hope.. really, really hope that you feel the same way, but if you don't then I totally get it, but I.. What I'm trying to say is... Will you be my b-boyfriend?"
I stared at him, a hand over my mouth out of shock that this was happening to me of all people. Cronus Ampora, my boyfriend... How would my Dad react if he found out?
All these thoughts raced through my mind. Doubts on whether or not this was a good idea. Fantasies of what it would be like to actually go on a date with him, to hold his hand, to feel his lips against mine...
I could hardly speak. "Y-y-yes..!" I said, nodding frantically, my legs shaking somewhat.
Cronus stood up, a look of pure elation on his face-- the same look that he had when he had been accepted into worship group, only this time it was about 10 times happier.
I practically leaped into his arms, my own arms wrapped around his torso as he carefully held me close. We hugged for a solid 5 seconds, not saying anything, but also not really needing to.
We had finally broken apart from the hug and I tried avoiding eye contact to hide the fact that my cheeks were a deep crimson color. When I finally managed to glance up at Cronus, I noticed that his were the same.
I made a half-hearted attempt at humor to lighten the mood a bit. "I don't know what to do now, I've never done this before..."
He laughed slightly. "We could hang out like we used to.. Just sit a bit closer this time."
I smiled. "I like that plan."

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