Wedding Dress

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I was listening to my old playlist and I had to quickly write something. It's not much but I was inspired, so here it is. 

If you're Asian, or not, or is familiar with Korean music, and if you know this song, you know how this will go. Will attach the video at the author's note below to see what I mean lol


There was complete silence, save for those melancholic notes as his long fingers smoothly played over the keys of his grand piano. There was complete silence – there were no sounds of birds singing that are usually perched on his open window, nor there were any signs of life outside – it was as if the world knew what day it was. For some, it was a normal day, and if he could change his perspective a bit, it really could be.

He was still in his pajamas, barefoot, waiting for his steaming green tea to cool down to soothe his throat and calm his nerves. It was a beautiful, early morning; a sunbeam poured through the window, and for a minute, he felt peaceful.

He continued to play the notes of a love ballad, heart clenching as he thought of the lyrics he couldn't sing just yet (it was still early morning, after all). Love ballads, no matter how positive the lyrics are, have the ability to do that to him, and his heart clenched and throb at the same time as he thought of her.

He couldn't wait to see her.

He stared at his phone for a bit before grabbing it, checking the time. It was still too early to call her, but he really wanted to hear her voice. Then his eyes flickered at his background picture – which was her, of course – eyes bright, matching her beautiful smile, auburn waves falling on her shoulders with that familiar necklace sitting on the space between her collarbones. His eyes melted as he stared at her; he thinks he always does this subconsciously when he's looking at her or talking about her. At least that's what their friends and families always said.

He chuckled; except for her, of course. If she ever noticed his staring, she would've pointed it out to him, or talked or teased him about it.

Then he jumped as his phone rang, then quickly relaxed when he realized it was just Serris. He waited for a while, taking a deep breath before answering the call.

"Heeey!" Serris was awfully cheerful considering the whole city is still waking up; well, maybe not where she was.

"Hey," Sean breathed, standing up and picking up his tea before choosing to stand by the window.

"Today is the big day!" Too cheerful, Sean thought. "How are you feeling?"

He let out a shaky breath again. "Nervous. I'm too overwhelmed to feel anything besides that." That statement was part true.

There was silence from the other side of the line for a while. "You can do this, okay?" she encouraged, and he could practically a smile in her voice. "I'm sure Kaycee will love the song. Hell, you wrote it for her!"

The mention of her name tugged a smile on his face. "Yeah. I hope I don't mess up, though. This will be the first time I'll sing in front of everybody," he said in between deep breaths. Fuck, the nerves are rattling him again.

"You danced in front of thousands. There's no difference," Serris pointed out.

"Uh, yes there is? They will hear my voice shake and then –"

"Okay, stop. You can do this," she encouraged him again. Then she sighed. "I'm sorry I can't be there, Sean. We didn't foresee this pregnancy could be this sensitive, and Kylee didn't want to take the risk."

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