The Future

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Just a little something


"FUCK YOU!" she yelled at him.

He stopped in his tracks, feeling a figurative bucket of cold water pouring over him as he stared at her, frozen – suddenly at a loss.


He could see her turning red, veins in her forehead popping as she continued to yell at him. He tried to reach for her hand but she slapped his hands away, and it made him all the more speechless.

His sweet angel was gone –replaced by this woman who glared at him with fury, hurling words he never imagined her to utter. He was starting to hyperventilate, but he had to be level-headed for her sake.

"SEAN LEW, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Kaycee shouted, her face and neck red, knuckles white in anger. If there was anything heavy she could hold on to within proximity she would've grabbed it by now and throw it at him.

Now she's getting too far, he thought. He was having a hard time calming down and resisting his anger, and her cursing was certainly not helping. He heaved a deep breath and tried to approach her again, but was still kind of hesitant with her reaction.


He stopped again, heeding her just so he won't further aggravate the situation, his eyes melting as he stared after her. But as she saw him stop, her eyes widened.

"Where the fuck are you going?! Don't leave me you motherfucker!"

Sean blew out a frustrated breath at her duality as he finally run up to her, helping the nurses push the bed as it rolled inside the delivery room, with Kaycee still screaming out profanities and cursing everyone with a penis.

If he wasn't so stressed, he would've laughed by now. Kaycee was truly one of a kind.

"Suit up, Mr. Lew," the doctor told him, and he clumsily put on the necessary scrubs and cap.

He could feel the sweat lining on his forehead as he tried to breathe through his nose. He wracked his brain for the breathing techniques they learned from a class a few months back, but he came on blank. He was supposed to help her calm down and breathe properly, but here he was, probably as nervous as his wife.

He ignored the pain in his chest as Kaycee's anguished screams filled the room and took her hand.

"Ah, shit," he hissed involuntarily as he felt his fingers getting crushed under her grip, and realizing, his eyes grew wide as she met her angry eyes.

"What?! Are you blaming me now?!" she yelled in between groans.

"Of course not, baby –"

" –This hurts like a motherfucker! You're not allowed to go near me again!" she screeched.

The doctor and nurses around them couldn't help but let out snickers and giggles as Kaycee continued to shout in pain.

"Believe it or not, this is normal, Mr. Lew," the doctor assured him with a small smile while checking on his wife. "Suddenly they swear like a barbarian and threaten their husbands or partners. Nothing new," she said.

Sean nodded nervously, stooping down to plant a kiss on her forehead, but his jaw suddenly contacted with her fist.

"Ow! What the hell?!" he almost yelled at her.

"I'm trying to concentrate here!" she grunted, and let out another scream.

"Surely, they're not this violent?" he asked the doctor under his breath.

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