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She groaned loudly as she folded the pillow against her ears, rolling to her side, as the blasted music echoed through her apartment. One more time – just one more – if she's going to wake up to this song again, she's going to go through the world wide web and destroy every copy of the damned song.

And ban the culprit who would dare play this in her house again.

Knowing that she couldn't go back to sleep, she screamed in frustration and kicked and punched the air before her, before turning to the open door where, just in time, her best friend is making an entrance with his idiotic dance moves to the Spanish song.

She swore she's going to have to change her key code to ward her best friend off from making appearances every now and then. She perfectly knew why he's doing it, though.

"Pacito, pacito! Suave suavecito!" he yelled and energetically twisted his hips and making funny faces as he danced. But Kaycee Rice was just looking at him with a bored look, so sick of having to wake up to this every day.

"Good, morning, Kaycee. Caitlin –" Sean danced his way to her bed, " –Rise!" and pulled the girl up, but completely paused as he saw her hair.

"You –you chopped your hair off," he stammered, his jaw hanging as he touched her curly locks right under her jaw. Kaycee still gave him a cold, bored look.

"Well, it's time to move on," she said, her deep voice sore from sleep, and from screaming. She let herself fall back into bed, covering her face with the pillow.

Her best friend rolled his eyes at that but didn't comment, he just pulled her to stand again and resumed twisting his hips, samba-dancing, stepping forward and backward as he held her hands and flailing it as an attempt to make her dance with him. But Kaycee just stood there, with a flat look on her face. Still, Sean wasn't giving up. He pulled and pushed her with their hands and twirled her around, shouting random Spanish words as they – or he – danced. He went on like this crazily, singing, "Dorito, Dorito, I wanna eat burrito ~"

This made the girl finally burst out in giggles.

Yes! He exclaimed in his mind, and he couldn't help but smile that he made his best friend smile. For a while, they danced at the remainder of the song in the middle of her room, and Kaycee with her coordination still asleep, she had stepped on his feet a lot of times. But he didn't mind.

She was adorably clumsy, cute, strong-willed, talented and loyal, and with her new hairstyle, even more stunningly beautiful, and he felt she deserved all the happiness in the world. She ought to be laughing and spend her days doing what she's passionate about; not spending her nights crying over some jerk who obviously didn't see her for who she is. She ought to be like this, carefree and looking forward to a brand new day, seeing everything in a positive light. She ought to be waking up to someone she loves.

Now if she could only see who truly loves her.

Sean didn't realize that the dance song had stopped and his playlist transitioned into a slower, sadder one. But it didn't stop them from dancing; only now, his best friend wrapped her arms around his shoulders, tiptoeing so she could rest her chin on his shoulder.

Let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she's around, he feels nothing but joy

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe in love would ever treat her right

He felt her breath shake as the laughter they shared died away, as if her reality came back to her in full force. He doubted she was hearing the song, though, and so he could only wrap his arms around her waist, supporting her as they swayed into the music.

Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware?

You're the smile on my face

And I ain't going nowhere

I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile

I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while

What's gonna make you fall in love?

He would do everything in his power to make her smile again, to make her feel she's important and loved, to make her see that she didn't need that guy to continue to move on with her life. If only he could – then he could tell her how important she is to him.

They danced slowly into the music and he closed his eyes.

Did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly?

Did you know that it breaks my heart every time to see you cry?

Without a second thought, he planted his lips on the skin of her shoulder, not the least bit scared if she would react violently. But she didn't. And so he planted another soft kiss on the junction of her neck and shoulder, then on her jaw. It wasn't a sensual kiss – he just wanted to comfort her, and probably convey what his words couldn't at the moment.

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

He pulled back and saw Kaycee had her eyes closed, and his heart was gripped on how utterly beautiful she looked with her short hair falling over to one side of her face. He looked at her lips, and he was tempted to feel it with his.

But he can't, not yet. So he only took her face and planted a lingering kiss on her forehead.

They stayed that way for the duration of the song, until he pulled away again and saw her tears on her cheeks.

But if you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can't fly unless you let yourself fall

He wanted to tell her how much he loves her, how much he wanted to be with her – but not now when she's hurting, not now when she's not ready. Maybe he's going to be her best friend still, and make her laugh until she's fully healed.

He took a deep, shaky breath, mustering all the courage within him to make her smile. "Eh, not again!" he said in a faux happiness. He ran out of the room quickly and changed the music again.

Kaycee groaned, and laughed her tears out as her best friend appeared in front of her again with his stupid dance moves.


She laughed.

That's how it's supposed to be, he thought.


Author's Note: I apologize for the throwback Justin Bieber song, but this just gave me feels again.

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