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Fluff (-ish. I don't know what this is actually lol)


Kaycee held up a finger to Sean, signalling him to wait as her phone rang in her hand, and the man nodded distractedly.

"Hey, mom!" she answered, sandwiching the phone between her ear and shoulder, as she helped Sean move to the side to avoid the ongoing rush of the train station.

"Hey, honey! Just checking in. I didn't get the chance the past couple of days since your dad was demanding alone time," Laura chuckled from the other side of the phone. Kaycee could almost imagine her mom rolling her eyes and shaking her head but with a wide grin on her lips. "Where are you guys going today?"

"Disney, of course," Kaycee answered a matter-of-factly.

Laura laughed. "Honey! You're in Hong Kong! Couldn't you go somewhere else and explore the city? And aren't you guys tired of Disney?" she asked, tone in playful disbelief.

"Nope," she said, popping her lips. "And exactly, mom. We're in Hong Kong, so we have to visit Disney! Besides, it is our dream to go to every Disneyland in the world," she grinned.

Her mother sighed. "Alright, alright. Now I won't hold you up, it sounds busy there. Tell them I love them for me, okay? Take care, honey."

"Mom! Why do they get an I love you and I don't?" she asked good-naturedly, beckoning Laura to tell her just that sweetly. "I love you too, mom. I'll see you guys when we get back. Tell dad I said hi."

They ended the call thereafter, and as Kaycee faced Sean, she couldn't mistake the slight distress in his features, probably because of the overwhelming amount of people in the station, but most likely because of the two little goofs they're with who were now fussing, tugging his hands to get a move.

Kaycee could only laugh at her husband's expense.

"Let'th go, papa! I want to go to Dithney alwedy!" their three-year old daughter who looks strikingly like Kaycee except for the shock of black hair and Sean's Asian complexion was pulling him towards the train.

"Yeah, papa! What are we waiting for?" their same-aged son now began to pull on to his other hand. Now Sean could only look onto his wife, eyes asking for help, quick.

"You're not waiting for mama, Hazel?" Kaycee asked as she stooped down in the level of her children's eyes. "And what did we talk about? Papa and I are going to carry you until we get to Disney. It's pretty busy around here, love," she said tenderly.

"But I want to thow off my pwinteth gown!" she said brightly, her developing articulation adorable in her mom's ears. It was no wonder that Sean looks at her for help; he was a big sucker for his daughter.

Kaycee couldn't blame Hazel though; she would also show off her mini yellow ball gown, similar to Belle's gown from Beauty and the Beast, if she was a child. Similarly, Kaycee looked at her son who was dressed as a storm trooper, its mask placed over his head for now, showing his uncanny similarities with his papa. But Caleb Lew almost has his mother's light brown eyes and slight curls; other than that, he was a mini-Sean.

To say it was an easy morning was a lie, the little girl insisted that she wear her Little Mermaid costume –the purple shell bralette and literal fishtail –to Disney and her brother also pleaded to wear his Darth Vader costume, complete with the full on mask and toy red lightsaber. Apparently, the twins had connived to sneak in their preferred costumes into Sean's backpack when they learned they are allowed to dress up when they go to Disneyland.

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