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Truth. It's sometimes all flowers and happiness. But most of the time, it's horifying. Sure, it's better than lying. Because sometime, the truth will overcome the lies. But truth, truth, is not as good as you think.

Truth is when you're being honest. Let's give an example to the "flowers and happiness" side of truth. Say that someone loved another, and vice versa. Say one of them admitts their feelings. This is the happy kind of truth, the bright side.

But for every light, there is a shadow behind it. Let's give an example to the horrifying side of truth. Say that someone loved another, but was not loved back. Say that the one who loved the other admitted their feelings. Say that the other rejected him.

This is truth, and certain nations were not going to find the "flowers and happiness" side of truth.


They looked around. Nobody was there, where they should've been.

England wasn't there. He was gone. It was not a prank; he's too gentlemanly to play a prank like this. 

America whispered, "Iggy?" He said a little louder, "Iggy? England?" He shouted, "England?!

Only silence answered his pleas.

"Angleterre?" France called out, along with America, who had a freightful expression on. "Angleterre, it's not funny. Come out."

Canada called out, softly at first but getting louder each word, "England? England?!"

They ventured into the room, and that was when Canada spotted an envelope on a coffee(tea) table.

"Umm, France, America...?" he called out, and the two turned their attention to him, waiting for him to speak when he pointed to the paper.

Their faces turned hopeful. "Maybe England's just playing a prank! Maybe he's waiting for us to find him!" America clung onto the hope, dreading of what might be the truth.

Ahh, there it is again. Truth. Truth is a powerful thing. It can destroy one and mend one, in just a few words.

They picked up the envelope. Delicate hands--Canada's--opened it.

In there, they found something that would wound them forever.

The three unfortunate nations read the envelope. Their breathing got unsteadier, and their eyes got wider.

 They carefully read the letter, and read it again. And again.

France's tears cascaded down his face. He didn't wipe them as he read the letter over and over.

Canada's tears stroked his face, sliding down his cheeks and moving down more to dampen his clothes.

America felt and looked the worst out of the three. Tears streaked down his cheeks as he stared at the letter in horror. He wanted to scream, but it was stuck in his throat.

"W-wha- wh- I-I- what? T-this c-can-t be!" America managed to spit out the words, but the two others stayes silent. 

Truth. Such a unique idea. It can break down the strong and strengthen the weak. It can make the stoic cry or laugh. It can do anything. It has the power.

And it was playing with them now, as they read the letter carefully.


And again.


And over.

Thinking, hoping, begging that this letter wasn't telling the truth


Truth plays with us.


Okayyyyyyy..... This was a depressing moment...

But just you wait for the next chapter...


Okay sorry about that...

But really, ready yourself, because, well, it's not going to be pretty

*runs away*


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