Uncle Anti Visits

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Henrik's POV
I went to open the door, it was Anti. "Oh hallo Anti come in," He smiled and came in. "Vhat are you doing here ve veren't expecting you." "I know but I got something for the little guys and girls." "Oh?" "Yeah it's awesome," I went over to chase who was holding a sleeping Liam. "Somevone fell asleep quickly," "yeah I'm gonna take him to his room." Chase took him to his room." So uncle Anti what did you get us." "Yeah tell us, tell us please." I smiled they're always happy when anyone comes over. "Hold on you two it's something big." Oh dear the last time it was something big they both got giant Bucky bears because of their love for Bucky Barnes. "Is it a 4 wheeler?" "A spaceship?" "A spaceship wouldn't fit and we would see it by now." Oh dear here comes arguing, "technically Oliver if it was a spaceship maybe it would shrink so we couldn't see it and then he surprises us with it." "Spaceships can't do that Peyton everyone knows spaceships can't shrink." Oliver argued back, "oh yeah then why do we not see em when they launch into space hmm it's because they shrink everyone knows that I'm right and you're wrong as always." "Vhoa hey stop you two it's not a spaceship and technically both of you are correct but Peyton sveetie spaceships do shrink but not like you zhink zhey shrink because zhey get farzer avay and Oliver you are right but zhe shrinking does happen because zhey get smaller to us but are same size." The kids nodded, "I'm sorry Oliver," "I'm sorry too Peyton sorry papa we shouldn't argue over little things." "It's ok but keep in mind both points of view before arguing ok?" They both nodded, "yes papa," "it's not a four wheeler but I wish I would've thought of that." "Nein no more 4 vheelers," "alright alright but go in your rooms and close your eyes." They ran to their rooms and closed their eyes bouncing excitedly.

Anti's POV
I went out and got the giant beanbags and took em into their rooms and quietly put em in and went out. "Ok open em," I look in Peyton's room and she's already laying on it when Oliver saw his he was at a loss for words. "Papa is this ok for me to have?" "Yes sohn it is ok I don't mind," "now this is something for Liam it'll help him not get upset when you're gone what you do is-," I got cut off when Chase came back with Liam terrified, "oh scuttlebug come here." Liam walked to Henrik and wanted up Henrik smiled and picked him up, "can you say hi scuttlebug." Liam waved and looked at the present and then pointed to himself. "Yeah that's yours it's a little sensory boat that way you can rock in it." He looked at it and scanned it up and down, he wanted it open when he saw the boat picture. Chase set it up and Henrik put him in it, "do you like it?" He nodded fast, "zhank you Anti ve've been needing to look for somezhing to help vith his panic attacks." "No problem he has one at our house too now and don't worry it's perfectly safe I know how important safety is." "Ja,"

Liam was excited to lay in it

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Liam was excited to lay in it. "Looking good there little dude," Liam smiled. "Now you have somewhere to chill huh?" Liam nodded, "I can't zhank you enough Anti how can I ever repay you?" "Don't worry about it Hen it's a Christmas gift no need to repay us." "Are you sure I can pay you how much vas it?" Chase laughed, "babe it's ok when someone gives your kids a present ya don't pay em back." "Are you sure?" "Yes Henrik I'm sure I promise." Henrik nodded I nodded and sighed, "I better get back home to dark before he worries where I am and before it gets too bad." "Ok see ya Anti." "See you soon anti." Oliver ran over to me, "uncle Anti you're coming over for Christmas right and with uncle dark?" "Of course little dude we'll be over for Christmas." "Awesome!" Oliver gave me a hug while Peyton jumped on me to give me a hug and  Liam was asleep  in his boat. "Should I take him out and put him in his bed?" "Let him fall sleep fully first liebling," Chase nodded and hugged me. "please be careful on the drive home I know its far and the weather's bad where you live so please be careful ok?" I smiled, "I promise I'll be safe and if anything happens after Dark you'll be first to know." Chase nodded, Me and Chase were always close no matter what happened  between us we still were brothers. "Now go before you're caught in the snowstorm please?" "Ok Chase I promise I'll get home I'll see you soon." I headed off. 

(So I know  I haven't wrote in awhile but I've been figuring out how to make this chapter. But I'm hoping to start writing more when this first week of school is all over so soon I'm actually going to make a schedule where I update each story once a week until I have time to write more. But until next time see you soon and I hope you have a good day/night.)

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