The Christmas Concert

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(so in advanced this was a picture I found on my mom's memories of the scenery in my 8th grade Christmas concert because I couldn't find a picture that would match this chapter so I used one from my mom's Facebook of one of my Christmas concerts lol)

Oliver's POV

Well today was the day, the day of my first middle school Christmas concert and I have a solo song. Saying I'm terrified would definitely be an understatement I'm more petrified that I'll screw up and Peyton will never let me forget it. I wake up with a literal sick stomach and it was my favorite breakfast too pancakes with chocolate syrup and whipped cream and hot chocolate. "Are you ok sohn?" Well dang papa you're good at knowing what's wrong. "Yeah I'm fine," "you're terrified aren't you?" Man can he see through everything? But than again I am a terrible liar especially when I try to lie to him. "That would be very understated," "I promise it'll be ok right Chase?" He was silent, "Jump in at any time!" "I was chewing!" (I love Reba references lol) I laughed well, if that didn't brighten my day I don't think anything could. "It'll be ok dude I promise papa's right you'll do great." I nodded still scared, "ok you two go brush your teeth and I'll go get zhe car varmed up so ve can sit in it vhile ve vait for zhe bus." Peyton and I nodded and ran off. "I'm first!" "No I'm the youngest I should be first to brush my teeth!" "I was born first and your bus gets here later go use the bathroom downstairs!" "No that smells like dad when he takes a dump!" Well I mean I don't blame her it's like the man set off an atomic stink bomb in that bathroom. "Oh my gosh Peyton look there's a spider in the shower!" She screamed and ran downstairs while I brushed my teeth. Hey even Santa would let me off with that one! I finally finished and grabbed my bag and went down. Papa looked a little upset with me this can't be good. "Oliver did you trick your sister by saying zhere vas a spider in zhe shower?" Well lying definitely out of the question with him. "Yes papa but she every she kept pushing me out of the way when I was up there first!" He sighed, "Oliver Peyton didn't ve have a discussion last night about little arguments?" Ok I'm starting to feel bad for our papa he has to deal with our arguing every minute of the day. "Yes papa," "yes papa," "and you're still arguing I know you guys are siblings but zhis is vorst zhen siblings just please promise me zhat you'll stop having ridiculous arguments especially brushing your teeth." I nodded, the dude has a point now that I think of it arguing over brushing our teeth really we've never wanted to brush our teeth and now we're arguing over it like we haven't brushed our teeth in weeks. Well I mean I haven't but that's beside the point and don't tell papa. "Sorry papa," he just sighed again something's not right usually he's full of energy I hope he's not sick I don't want him to miss out on anything this year he's already missed out on so much with his job he even missed Liam's first steps and he still blames himself for it. "Bus is here sohn!" Dang must have been zoning out but hey what can you do. I run out and get on T-minus 9 hours til my misery for that stupid solo.

*time skip to where everyone was getting ready*

Oliver's POV

I heard yelling from different parts of the house Dad yelling at papa to help him tie his tie I swear I don't know he has ever done anything by himself but hey if papa was never there for dad he probably wouldn't be here. Anyway papa was yelling at dad that he was helping Liam get dressed and there I was in a stupid polo shirt and black pants with dress shoes. "hey dude?" "Need help with your tie." I laugh knowing he was gonna say yes. "Yes do you know how to tie a tie?" "of course let me help," I helped him tie it, "thanks you know I had to have your mom tie my tie on our wedding day and you know the saying if you see each other before the wedding it's bad luck maybe that was true." I rolled my eyes, "dad if it was bad luck in a marriage you wouldn't have papa  and you guys are happy I promise it was mom's fault in that relationship it was never you." He smiled, "you're right dude maybe that was just stupid superstition I mean we've been together a year and it's been amazing." I nodded but then wanted to barf. "Yes I'm quite aware dad I've had to hear y'all in your bedroom try to keep the noise down please?" He looked shocked, "how do you know-" "dad, papa's not exactly quiet and the noises I'd like to keep my brain from being scarred and before you ask how I know what it is I never told you this but when I was about 8 I walked in on you and mom and I looked it up yeah I've known for almost 3 years what you guys do." "Well I guess you don't need the talk then." I laughed and went downstairs with him following me. "Yeah y'all would be terrible at explaining it." Henrik came down with Liam in an outfit that was a plaid shirt with a red bowtie red pants and suspenders with brown dress shoes. "lookin' good little bro." He smiled, "you look amazing sohn." "Thanks papa," Peyton came down madder than all get out that she had to dress up. "You look awesome sis," She just grumbled. "Can we go now?" "Yeah come on we're gonna be late!" I groaned, "I can't get out of this can I?" "I'm sorry sohn but you have to go." "Bubby good!" Well at least my little brother believes in me. We head out to the expedition and head to the concert hall. Well it was nice knowing you all after this I'm hiding in a hole for the rest of my life. Papa got me signed in to let them know I was here and he went to sit with dad and the others. I saw my friends and some others that weren't too happy I got the solo join the club. "Hey Oliver!" "Hey what's up Alex?" "Nothing much just mad we have to wear polos." "Right! When we were younger we didn't have to dress up dress up!" "Guess that's what happens when you're in middle school." Man we sound like old people is this what happens when you get into middle school? "Ugh can't we go back to simpler days where we didn't have to worry about anything." I laughed, "right!" all of a sudden our music teacher Ms. Lemon came in. "Ok guys come on we've gotta be on stage." we nodded and got in line at least it's not alphabetical order they wouldn't know where to put me. "Oliver you get up front please." I nodded and went to the front and headed to the stage. "Oliver you're right here." Why the front? It could've been anywhere but the front. "Ma'am does it have to be the front?" "Yes Oliver because that way that way it's easier to go do your solo." I nodded and got ready as the curtains opened, bright lights. Well here goes nothing time to sing some Christmas carols and last thing my solo meaning all eyes on me. they clapped after we got done and Ms. Lemon motioned me up to the microphone and then it got silent. "Have yourself a merry little Christmas, let your heart be light from now on our troubles will be out of sight, have yourself a merry little Christmas, make the yuletide gay, from now on our troubles will be miles away, and, here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore, faithful friends who are dear to us gather to us once more, through the years we all will be together if the faiths allow, hang a shining star upon the highest bow, oh and have yourself a merry little Christmas now." I paused waiting for the chorus again, "Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore, faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us, once more through the years we all be together if the faiths allow, hang shining star upon the highest bow, oh and have yourself a merry little Christmas now, a merry little Christmas, now, come on sing it with me, oh merry little Christmas, little Christmas, merry little Christmas, little Christmas, merry little Christmas, little Christmas, merry little Christmas." Everyone applauded, that wasn't too bad I guess but I still made up my mind I never want to do that again. We went back to the choir room and Papa hugged me maybe a little too tight. "Papa can't breathe! Too tight!" He let me go, if you think that my papa is weak think again I just about got every rib broken how does he have this much strength? "I'm so proud of you sohn!" "Thanks papa can we go get food now? I'm hungry," He smiled and nodded, "thanks papa!" "vhere vere you zhinking?" I thought we all like pizza, "Domino's?" He hesitated but nodded, ok something is definitely off he never refuses or even hesitates pizza. Anyway I ran down the stairs I only fell once ok twice but no one noticed so yeah and I mean anyone would run over pizza if not you're insane. (A/N you're not crazy if you don't like pizza) "Hey dude you did awesome!" I smiled, "I'm surprised papa didn't cry." "Oh he did but hey you really did amazing on that solo." Liam giggled I guess he's feeling better. "Buddy good!" I guess papa was having a hard time walking down the stairs because dad went and helped him. What's going on with him I'm worried what if it's something serious mom was never like this except when she was having, Oh my gosh I'm gonna have another little brother or sister!

(A/N I didn't know how to end this chapter but now we know Oliver knows. Anyway I hope you have an amazing day or night!)

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