New Beginnings

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(Did I a non Christmas song yes I did why because I'd feel as though  Chase would go to the bar play this song on the jukebox and drink)

Henrik POV

Peyton ran into the house, "Papa!" I smiled and hugged her, "Hallo, sveetie how are you?" "I'm tired school is getting more fun though." I smiled and held her, "where's Liam?" I looked down at a sleeping toddler, "he's vight zhere silly," she laughed, "oh yeah!" My parents came in, "what's he doing here?" Chase just stood there, "he's here to see our children." I held him close, "if you hurt mein sohn vohn more time I vill make sure jou are ran out of zhis town understand." Chase looked at him, "yes sir!" My father went over and shook his hand. "Good he's mein only sohn und I don't vant to ever see him hurt." Chase looked at both our boys, "I understand completely sir with our two boys it's hard to even imagine a life that wouldn't include them." He smiled, "just please make sure zhey're alvays safe?" "I always will sir."

Chase's POV

I smiled at my family and wrapped my arms around Henrik, "hey, babe?" Henrik smiled, "Ja?" "How about we show the kids around the town a bit I hear the light of the tree is tonight how about we take them to that?" He kissed me, "Liebling I love zhat idea zhey've never seen zhat." Peyton looked confused, "what's the light of the tree?" We laughed, "well there's this big tree in the town square where they put a bunch of lights on it and the town goes around the tree and whoever they pick that year lights the whole tree up." Ollie came down. "Huh?" I go over and pick him up putting him upside down. "Ahhh dad!" Henrik came over, "zhe blood is gonna rush to his head be careful Liebling." I nodded and flipped him onto the trampoline they got for Liam when they babysit him. "I'm dizzy," I laughed and Peyton jumped on my back. "The Brody terrors will eliminate the dad-inator," "well I'm not eliminated yet." Liam woke up and came over, "ahh dada!"I picked him up, "ahh Liam!" Henrik smiled, "Liebling I'm gonna go get supper ready." I nodded and played with the children, "dad it's awesome having you back!" "You know what Ollie? It's awesome being back." "Ok  let's go get ready ok?" They ran off while I held Liam and went out in the kitchen with Henrik. "Hi babe," "Hi Liebling," "you know something?" He looked over at me, "vhat?" "I did nothing but think of every way we'd breakup and if I was your bartender and I would wanna think of every way I could talk you out of leaving me." "Liebling you vere listening to zhat song on repeat veren't you?" I nodded, "And I went to the bar all day everyday while Anti had Peyton I knew I wasn't mentally stable to care for her so I knew letting her have a week sleepover at Anti and Dark's would be best." He came over to me taking Liam, "Liebling I vould never leave you vone ve have zhree children and two I love you so much." I smiled, "I know it's just it was just like Stacey did when she left." He sighed, "Vone zhat hurts you compared me to zhat bitch second I vould never just up and leave." The kids ran down, "I love you babe," "I love you too Liebling." I kissed him and Liam pushed me away from Henrik. "Oh you don't want me kissing papa huh?" He shook his head, "then I guess the tickle monster will get you." I tickled his belly and he started giggling like crazy. "What's for supper papa?" "Oh just dad's favorite Macaroni and cheese, mixed vegetables and steak and for you scuttlebug some mushed bananas vith macaroni and cheese mushed mixed vegetables vith cheese because I know you don't like just veggies huh?" He stuck his tongue out just like daddy, "alright let's eat!" We smiled and sat down getting ready to eat.

(Hey y'all hope you're having an awesome day/night but I'd thought I let ya know the reason there were no chapters for any stories this past week was it was very hectic getting ready for my little cousin's graduation he's graduating from preschool and I thought I'd plan a graduation party for him and his friends seeing as he's like my baby brother so I just thought it would be fun and to make him know that it's a big deal but anyway I hope y'all have an awesome day/night)

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