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Oliver's POV

I can't believe it my parents are accepting of me having two partners, and what's better is that they can both stay the night. "Alright guys, we're here!" I helped my partners out of the car, "I'll get it dad," I run to the door and open it. Dad stopped me before I go in, "son don't try too hard they love you already don't do what me and mom did I tried too hard; and I almost collapsed so go easy." I nodded and went in, "can I get you guys anything hot chocolate? some of my papa's stollen?" Axel smiled, "yes our well deserved cuddles." I cuddled Axel and Jules, papa gave us some hot chocolate, "thanks papa," he smiled, "not a problem, Ollie!" Jules was fast asleep, "hey dad can we sleep in my room?" he was thinking and I could see that he was about to say no when papa yelled, "Ja!" I smiled and I tried to carry Jules to my room but dad helped me lift them. "Thanks dad!" He smiled, "anytime Ollie," Liam waddled in my room, "who this?" I picked him up as Axel booped his nose, "This is my boyfriend Axel, and that's Jules they're asleep," Liam looked at Axel, "guitaw?" I smiled, "he wants to know if you play guitar babe." Axel shook his head, "I don't know many songs, but it's only on acoustic." Liam gently pulled Axel's hair, "no no Liam," Axel smiled, "he's ok really babe," Liam smiled and yawned, "haiw!" I couldn't help but smile, "dad I think it's time for little Liam to go to bed," Liam cried for us as dad gently got him. "Bubby!" I held his hand, "it's ok bubby you'll see us in the morning." dad had to take him to papa due to him screaming, "Oliver bedtime at 11 ok?" I nodded, "yes sir,"  Axel sighed, "damn it!" I look over and see him searching for his phone, "babe what's wrong?" He sighed, "I forgot my phone," I nodded, "you can borrow mine," he smiled, "thanks babe;" I nodded and we soon fell asleep.

Chase's POV

I'm worried for Ollie, he's trying really hard I feel like that's my fault though because he saw me do it with Stacey. I went to the living room and put on a movie for me and Henrik to watch after the kids went to bed, "Babe I've got 'Elf' in the VCR and I've got popcorn in the microwave." Henrik smiled and went to lay down on me, "hold on babe," I went and got the popcorn and laid back down and Henrik  laid down on me, "I love you babe," I kissed him, "Ich Liebe Dich," Liam started crying and Henrik went and got him bringing him out. "Dada!" I took him and stopped the movie and put 'The Polar Express'  on, "shh it's ok little dude it's ok." He cried and I got up with him walking around, "you're ok bubby shh you're ok," he calmed down a bit, "there we go see papa and Dada are right here I promise; no one's gonna go near you." He whimpered and laid his head down on my shoulder, Henrik smiled, "Liebling vhat vould you say if ve had anozher vone?" I looked at him, "well babe, I don't know; I'd be happy but at the same time I mean Liam's still under the age of 5." Henrik looked hurt, "I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" I instantly comforted him, "babe I really didn't mean to I'm sorry!" I put Liam down, "I vas asking because I know you vant anozher vone." I held him close, "babe I'm sorry I know I said that but Liam just needs some more attention because he's so little." He sobbed into my shoulder, I turned on our song, "I know what will work may I have this dance sir?" He smiled and wipe his eyes, "yes, you may," I smiled and held him close dancing with him and danced around the living room, Liam smiled watching us, He giggled when I dipped Henrik. "Did you find that funny huh bubby?" I smiled, "better babe?" He smiled, "ja, I do," I nodded and picked up Liam, "Do you wanna dance huh bubby?" I started dancing with him, Henrik smiled,  "vhat's daddy doing huh Schatz vhat's daddy doing?" Liam's eyes lit up, "say look papa I'm dancing!" Liam didn't hear and was too entranced with me dancing with him. I smiled and kissed his head when I put him down and he ran over to Henrik, "Momma! I dance! I dance!" Me and Henrik were in shock, "vhat Schatz?" He whimpered, "momma?" We smiled, "Schatz I don't mind vhat you call me if you call me papa or momma it's up to you." Liam giggled, "momma!" Henrik smiled, "Schatz you're adorable," I restarted 'The Polar Express'  and we sat down and watched it, Liam fell asleep halfway through. "He can sleep out here Liebling if he vakes up ve know he'll come to our room." I nodded an I covered him up and we went to our room and fell asleep.

(Hey Y'all sorry about no chapters but I'm gonna be honest I lost motivation I got it back but I didn't have it after my surgery and I honestly was in a really bad low after that and I picked up playing guitar so I've been busy with that but I'll start posting this week minus the Chase Please Come Back I'm still figuring out ideas for that but I hope you guys have a good day/afternoon/night)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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