At The Restaurant

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Oliver's POV

I don't know if dad knows but if he don't and I blurt it out to dad it could ruin papa's surprise. "Ollie?" "Huh?" "Vhat vould you like?" "Pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni," "Ok can you take Peyton and Liam to sit down I don't vant you standing because zhat concert vas long." I smiled and nodded taking my little brother and sister to sit down. Liam wasn't too happy and started crying. "Hey shh shh Liam I promise it's ok papa will be here soon." Well that I didn't work he just cried more. What do I do? Any of y'all have tips that would be great. Oh wait I know I have my lanyard with the house key and keychains on it in my pocket. I take it out, "Lookie Liam what is it huh is it keys?" He reaches for them, I smile and give them to him and he started giggling, best big brother ever award goes to me. Oh come on that was funny. They soon come over, "Zhank you Ollie," I nod and laugh at Liam who doesn't even realize papa is there he's more interested in my keys. I hope I'm able to get those back, "Ollie zhis is habanero sauce ok don't eat it zhat's mine." Habanero sauce? One, no thank you I'd rather keep my stomach. Two that must be a baby that loves spicy I feel bad for papa he's gonna get heartburn. Well at least he won't be sick oh no when does that happen? Help me I've gotta get out before that happens. Anyway papa got our food. I wonder how dad will respond Ooh what if, he loves that there'll be another one in the family. I suddenly realized something worst what if he's so happy with the younger ones that he gets tired of me and they do send me back to moms? She's gonna kill me what if they do the same to me? And here comes the panic attack I can't breath. "Sohn hey vhats vrong?" I rushed to the bathroom apparently papa followed. "Sohn vhats vrong?" "The-the baby y-you're gonna get tired of m-me." He sighed and sat next to me, "sohn how did you find out first and second Ve vould never get tired of you ve vould never zhink you vere too tiring to love. If it vasn't for you me and dad vouldn't be togezer you're zhe vone who set up zhe date and said zhere vas somevone to meet zhat takes very good skill planning I'm very proud of you." I smiled but still had a hard time breathing. "Do you vemember vhen you tried to get your dad on fazer's day I vemember you vere about 4 at zhe time and dad came over to my place zhat day so ve could talk zhis vas before Peyton vas born. But oh I remember vhat you had on it vas a red shirt vith blue jean overall and zhe cutest pair of shoes your dad saved up for years to buy you zhose of course zhis vas early 2010 but you know he vas so proud of himself getting zhose. Your mom vell she said you could've had valmart shoes but your dad vasn't having zhat. But anyvay you decided to take a bottle you had in your diaper bag. Because your mom never bought you sippy cups but you vent behind zhe couch I saw you and you put your finger up to your mouth and said 'shhh' I smiled and you got pediasure in your dad's hair and it ran down his neck. He vas so proud zhat you got him he lifted you up and spun you around. I love you sohn and I definitely know dad loves you too." I smiled and hugged him tight. "I love you too papa and I found out from when you were having a hard time with walking down the stairs." "Ah yeah I vas scared zhat vould be a dead giveavay for your dad and I vas scared I found out last veek I'm zhree months along and I vant to keep it a secret for Christmas I have zhe ultrasound pictures I'm gonna put in a box and give to him." "That's awesome papa," "do you zhink he'll like it?" "I know he'll love it papa," he smiled and hugged me and I laugh. I miss just having one on one time with them, "How about ve go somevhere your birthday is coming up soon vhy not just me you and dad?" "Really?" "Ja ve haven't talked to just you for avhile." I cried again, "I would love that papa." "Now I believe zhere is a certain two year old who has your keys." I laughed, "yeah he does," I helped papa up and we went out. "Everything ok?" "Everyzhing is just fine," "Yeah and he told me vhat he vants to do for his birzhday." "Oh yeah your birthday is coming up isn't it?" I frowned and nodded, he forgot my birthday didn't he? "So what do you wanna do?" "Just hang with you and papa for a bit." "What about Liam and Peyton?" Papa looked at dad, "Chase!" "What it's not fair what about them?" I sighed and went out to the expedition.

Henrik's POV

"What did I say?" I groaned, "you made zhat kid feel less zhan vhat he is, he vas so excited to spend time vith us on his birzhday and you made it about zhe ozers." "But what will they do?" "Chase zhis is his birzhday he deserves time vith just us." He just groaned, "but we have three kids not just him he needs to learn that." I hit him. "and you need to learn how to care for our oldest." He rolled his eyes, "he's my biological kid not yours don't tell me how to raise him Henrik." I got up picking Liam up and leaving, "wait babe come on come back this isn't fair you can't leave me here!" I messaged him, 'Until you realize that there are three kids and not just the youngest me and the boys will stay with my parents oh and I called an Uber to get you guys and tell Peyton I love her and do remember her routine.' I headed to my parents house. It took me two years to convince them to move here but it was worth it. We got in the driveway and I gthe boys out and went up to the door. "Papa can I knock on the door?" I smiled and nodded, he knocked on the door and my parents opened it. "Oh meine gott it's our two grandsons and our Sohn." We got choked half to death by my mother. "Mamaw can't breath!" She finally let go, I will never get used to that. "Vhere's Chase und Peyton?" "I don't vant to even talk about it." "He vas treating you horribly vasn't he?" "Fazer please I don't even vant to get started ve both know I'll be here for a long time." Oliver smiled and took Liam. "Papa I'm gonna go play in the playroom with bubby." "Ok sohn be careful and if anyzhing happens please come get me I don't vant you hurt or bubby." He nodded and led Liam to the playroom. "Nerf War!" Liam giggled and played. My mother went and made us coffee knowing we're gonna have a long night with the boys and to catch up on stuff. I then got a message from Chase it was a video, he was singing, 'Please Come Home For Christmas' I smiled I loved that song but I soon frowned knowing what he did to our oldest. "He zhinks he can get off zhat easy not gonna happen." I turned off my phone, "Papa bubby and I are tired." I picked Oliver up and went and got Liam, yes I know the boy is 10 but I don't care how old he is and he's still small in height and weight so of course I'll pick him up. "Papa I wanna lay with you please?" I frowned and nodded, I feel bad for Oliver he's had two people he loves, just leave or not care about him. "Ok baby you can sleep vith me," he soon fell asleep Liam however was not I don't know why he won't sleep. He's always full of energy. "Papa papa papa!" "yes Schatz?" "Pway pway pway!" "No Schatz vind down time." He scrunched up his nose. "Schatz please don't argue tonight papa's tired." Liam did not take that at all. "Pway!" "Schatz please I'm tired and bubby's asleep." My father came up, "Here let me see," he took Liam and rocked him. "It's time to vind down and sleepy by, papa needs sleep and jou do too ozhervise jou von't have energy for tomorrow." Liam soon fell asleep, how did he do that? "Zhere jou go Sohn he vas just tired." "I can never get him to sleep he just stays up." "Vell it's hard viz a two year old I believe in America zhey call it zhe terrible twos." "You've picked up fast," "vell zhat's vhat happens vhen jou stay here for avhile jou pick up on zhings." I smiled, I mean he is right, "Daddy can  we go lay down please?" I stopped and froze did my oldest just say what I think  he said? "Vhat Sohn?" "Daddy lay down!" I nodded and went and got some of my old PJ's for Ollie and got a onesie for Liam and put him in a crib. "I'm coming Sohn," I got ready for bed and laid down. "Night love you Sohn," "night daddy love you." Well that'll take time to get used to. 

(Hey y'all I hope you guys are having a great day or night if not I hope it gets better I'm thinking of making Spotify lists well I already have them made for both stories but I haven't made them public but if you want me to make them public let me know and I will but anyway hope you have a great day or night)

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