Starting New Memories

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@crazykitty3000 Thank ya so much for picking the picture I'm so glad I have ya to help me not get overwhelmed and I can't wait to spend the rest pf my life with ya)

Henrik's POV

Well it's been a week and Chase stopped contacting me he's not even worried about Oliver which pisses me off. But I digress Oliver has been calling me dad but at night daddy I'm assuming it's because he's tired. "Dad?" "Ja Sohn?" "Chase isn't coming back is he?" I bent down best I could, "hey now just because he's not talking to you and you're mad at him Sohn he's still your fazher Ollie." "Dad I love you but if he didn't want me why didn't he just get rid of me?" I sighed not knowing how to answer that question. "Ollie I can't answer zhat I'm sorry but, I do know he didn't vant to give you avay and he had a good reason to not give you avay and I'm glad he didn't." He nodded and went upstairs to his temporary room. All of a sudden I heard a knock, were my parents expecting someone and forgot to tell me? No they wouldn't do that, I opened it to see Chase? "Chase vhat are you doing here?" "Freezing and needing to talk to our oldest." I reluctantly let him in, "he doesn't feel like talking to anyvone." "I really screwed up and mainly with you and him." Liam came over and pointed to him, "dada." He smiled while I gave Liam to him. "I'll be back," I went up to Oliver's room and gently knocked on the door since it was locked. "May I come in?" He opened the door and he hugged me crying. "Why doesn't anyone love me?" "Sohn I love you your uncles love you and your aunts love you Ollie baby zhere are so many people who love you, I mean look at vhat your grandparents did for you zhey made you your own room and I know a little two year old who loves you." He looked up, "do they really love me?" "Yes zhey do you've seen Liam baby he doesn't go anyvhere vithout you he didn't even realize I vas zhere at zhe table until ve came back from zhe bazroom." He nodded, "I can't believe he's gonna miss out on someone amazing dad." I smiled, "Shh it's still a secret," "why dad he's not gonna be there." "Vell I vouldn't be so sure on zhat," "huh?" Chase came around the corner, "Hey bud," he let go and went back in his room slamming the door. "That went well," "Chase he's angry vight now he zhinks you didn't vant him and he even asked vhy you didn't just get rid of him."

Chase's POV

I royally fucked up, "What do I do?" "Talk to him it doesn't even need to be face to face just talk zhrough zhe door to him show him you love him Liam and I vill be in zhe playroom after he gets changed, ja did you go potty huh?" He gently put him in the air, Liam was giggling up a storm and he went to the nursery. Well Chase it's now or never, I sat with my back up against the door. "Hey bud I know you're pretty pissed at me and you don't have to talk, just, listen please, what I did was wrong I knew your birthday was important to you and I can't go change it, I mean I wish I could and I just pretended that your birthday wasn't important." I chuckled, "you know I remember when you were born I was with papa or dad is that what you call him now?" I sighed, "I don't blame you I fucked up as your dad but anyway, we were at the mall, I know weird huh two men at the mall of their own will, but we weren't there for us we were there for you we just finished paying when I got the call your mom said she was having you." I ran my hand through my hair, I don't think he'll ever forgive me. Hell I wouldn't forgive me either, "Dad rushed me to the hospital in time to see you born it was funny because we were two towns over and he drove like a maniac backroads." I laughed again, "Crazy right? Dad driving like a maniac but he did and he got me there I ran up the stairs not even bothering with the elevators I was more concerned to see you be born, oh but your mom was madder than an angry bull." He moved to the door, some progress, "she was mad I wasn't there sooner but you know I didn't mind because I was more excited for you to be here so I just ignored her, when I held you for the first time it was crazy you were so tiny I was scared you were gonna break if I moved but that's every new dad I think." I heard him laugh a bit and I had to laugh. "I promised I wouldn't be like those dads who are assholes to their kids and I did that last week Oliver and I'm so sorry bud I hope you can forgive me and I'd understand if you don't either bud but always remember I will love you no matter what." I got up and walked downstairs, I soon heard him running downstairs and hugging me. "I love you so much dad I'm sorry I was ever mad at you." I held him, "Oliver I love you so much and I'm so sorry I ever treated you horribly." He just laid on the couch and we watched some tv when, all of a sudden, Henrik and Liam came down singing, 'Little drummer boy' by Carrie Underwood. Liam was actually singing "Shaww I pway for you?" "Mary nodded pa rum pa rum pum zhe ox and lamb kept time pa rum pa pa pum." Oliver soon joined in, "I played my drum for him pa rum pa pa pum I played my best for him." He made Liam giggle, " Me and my drum," I pulled em all into a hug. "I love you all and never forget that," they smiled and Liam decided to latch onto my neck and climbed onto me. "Vell ve know he forgives you," I laughed, "yeah, hey I was thinking well first I need to go pick Peyton up from school but how about we spend Christmas here?" "I love zhat idea Chase but I don't zhink she vould like zhat." "Who? Peyton she'll be ok she usually doesn't mind staying at other people's houses." "Ok now go before you're late to pick her up." "Right!" I ran out to my truck and headed to the school.

(I hope y'all are having an awesome day/night if not I hope it gets better but I do have soemone to thank on this chapter I have decision paralysis when it comes to anything Christmas because I always am scared it's wrong or not but anyway Thank ya to my amazing partner who helped me pick out the picture for this. I hope you guys have a great day/night) 

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