4. Meeting Peter

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Peter's POV

As much as I love to learn sometimes I just want to ditch school and go Spidermaning or go tinker with something at the tower. But I know I can't do that and finally my daily dose of too slow and boring so-called education is over! However when I approach the room JARVIS told me to go to, my spider sense starts tingling. "JARVIS who is in there?" I ask because I don't get why I feel like I'm going to be attacked.

"Mr. Stark and Annabeth Chase."


"She's helping design the Avenger's compound."

"Does she have a history?" I ask but before JARVIS can answer Tony opens the door.

"Spider-man, come in. I think you two could really get along, she's really smart."

I enter, glad he's used my code name. If my senses are telling me she's this much danger I can't risk her knowing who I really am. When I enter there's a pretty blond looking at some blueprints for the compound. As much as I don't want them to leave the city I know it would work better and would mean that attacks on them would have a lower chance of civilian casualties. She looks up and jumps. I don't know where the knife came from but it's pretty long and scary. I guess this is what it was warning me about but how did no one notice that she was trying to kill us or at least me. "Stay away from me!" she warns and waves a can of bug spray at me. However it doesn't look like the regular type, instead of a tick or anything the picture is of a spider. Now that I look closer it seems to be specifically against spiders and it is a little annoying.

"Annabeth, what are you doing?" Tony asks, looking truly confused at what's going on.

"SPIDER!" she shouts waving the knife at me.

"What? You mean Spider-man?"

"Yes! Spiders are always bad!"

"You didn't treat Natasha like this," Tony says, acting like he's trying to tame a wild animal.

"She's just misguided and believes that spiders are good, she's not part spider and doesn't worship them the way he does."

"I don't worship spiders!" I say and she pops the cap off her spider spray.

"Stay away or else!"

Just as I think she's going to literally lose her mind a strange guy comes running in. "stay away from her!" he says before stopping and looking around. "What's the problem?"

"SPIDER!" she shouts again.

He looks around surprisingly on edge for such an insignificant problem. "Where?"

"She means me," I say raising my hand.

"Oh, S-man right?"

"Spider-man actually," I say. He seems far more reasonable than her.

"I know, but it's a bad idea to use the S word around Annabeth, she really really hates them."

"What happened?" Tony asks. He probably shouldn't have, from the way she's reacted and the fact that whoever this guy is doesn't even say spider it's probably a pretty big deal.

"A lot of stuff. She doesn't get along with his type and they broke her ankle at least once before." I don't like the way he says my type with such hatred but if a spider did break her ankle I get why she hates them, although it seems like a bit of an overreaction.

"Hey! Don't discriminate against spi-arachnids." Tony says changing his word when Annabeth glares. She's really scary when she wants to be.

"Tony trust me, it's reasonable."

Percabeth at Stark TowerWhere stories live. Discover now