Chapter 8

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A/N: Welcome back! Hope you're enjoying this story. Only a few episodes left, filming done, and also congratulations to Riker Lynch who will join the DWTS this new season. Can't wait! You may know him best with R5 and as Jeff Sterling on Glee. Anyways, back to our story. I'm really loving Sam/Rachel moments. I do love & miss Finchel/Monchele, but I think Sam could be her last love. He seems to have real feelings for her, and both deserve to be happy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, characters or songs used.

Warning : some mature material please be advised.


After leaving McKinley, Rachel and Sam drove back to her house. No parental around and Rachel had hoped for a bit of alone time with Sam. Penny had been blowing up Sam's phone with text messages and Quinn kept trying to flirt with her boyfriend. At least she thinks they're exclusive. Don't scare him off Berry, she told herself.

Rachel opened the door , and felt a bit nervous. It wasn't like she had guys over all the time.

Rachel: Well Sammy, welcome to the Berry childhood home.

Sam: Wow this place is HUGE!

Rachel: Yes it is okay. Would you like something to drink?

Sam: I can get it especially since you did most of the driving. So...that Finn guy...your boyfriend?

Rachel: Not anymore. I loved him once but I don't know if he is the one. Plus I have New York to look forward to.

Sam walked over to the couch to cuddle with Rachel when his phone buzzed again. He sighed when he saw who it was....Penny.

Rachel glanced and sighed. "May want to answer that. You're girlfriend is paying you," she said in a harsher tone then expected.

Sam winced and stared at Rachel. " Babe, she's not my girlfriend. YOU ARE THE ONE I WANT. "

Rachel: How do you know that? We are from different worlds.

Sam: The heart wants what the heart wants...and right now my heart wants you.

Rachel: Hallmark quoting?

Sam: Straight from my heart. Maybe its too early, but baby its you I want. I'm..I'm falling for you, Rachel.  But if its not me you want, then tell me now. Because-

Rachel cut him off by kissing him. She's never been this bold and always wanted a guy to kiss her first. But this is the present and women went for what she wanted. Sure his lips were big, but that's okay. They were soft but felt so good on her own. Like he fit like a puzzle piece.

Sam was shocked by the kiss, but gave in and kissed her back. He deepened the kiss, and pulled Rachel on top to straddle him while he kissed her harder. She tasted like chocolate mint. He licked her bottom lip, plunging his tongue into her mouth fighting for dominance.

Rachel took off his shirt, kissing every exposed body everything. She knew they should stop before going too far. Luckily Sam pulled back.

Rachel: What is wrong?

Sam: I don't want to rush into something too soon. I want you badly, but I don't want you to regret it later. Why don't we snuggle on the sofa, watch TV, and just enjoy each other.

Rachel: You're right, I'm sorry...

Sam: No need to be sorry. We will when we're both ready. I'll wait forever. *Sam kissed her again.*

Rachel: I'll go slip into something more comfortable.

Sam: Hurry back...

Rachel ran to her room, and closed the door, and slid down and cried. She felt like an idiot but knew he was right.

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