Chapter 11

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A/N:  Wow you guys are amazing! Please keep reading and review! Continuing on...

Disclaimer: I own nothing. May contain mature language. Please be advised.


Sam woke up groggy and his face was tearstained. Yes grown men don't cry, but what do you do when one minute you're proclaiming you love someone and next she won't talk to you based on a lie. He tried to call her, Skype, banged on her door, which her uncle didn't appreciate by the way. He didn't know who he was more upset with. Penny for lying or Rachel for not trusting him. Did their time together not mean anything? He hasn't been with another woman. Rachel was his first and only. And someday he wants her to be his last.

Sam wanted to go next door to talk to Rachel but she basically told him to 'go to hell.'

Fine she wants to act like a spoiled diva, then so be it. He did nothing wrong and he is sticking to his story. Where did it will go wrong? One minute they were happy and loving, and the next she's gone...he was brought of his thoughts when he heard his mom call from the kitchen.

Mary: Sammy, time to get up. You will be late!

Sam muttered, "Like I give a damn'.

Mary: What was that?

Sam: Nothing, I said I like the Band, at Rachel's old school but no one knows their name.

Mary: How was it? Did you behave yourself?

Sam: Yes, Mom.

While Sam ate his breakfast there was a knock on the door. Sam started to pray, 'Please be Rachel..Please!

Mary opened the door, and groaned by smiled sweetly. She was hoping it were Rachel. She didn't like Penny at all.

Penny: Hello Mary...

Mary: Mrs. Evans, she corrected her.

Penny: Oh I thought I heard that Berry Diva call you 'Mary'?

Mary: *sigh* What can I do for you, Penny? Shouldn't you be at school?

Penny: Well I came to see if Sammy wanted a ride to school.

Sam heard Penny and raised his eyebrow and began to tense when he saw Penny. The backstabbing bitch who caused his Lady Rachel to not speak to him, but he didn't want his parents to know why.

Sam: Penny what are you doing here?

Penny: Oh Sammy I heard you and Rachel had a fight, I thought maybe you would want a ride to school and talk?

Mary: Fight? What fight? What did you do, Samuel?

Sam: I didn't do anything. It was a misunderstanding. And Penny, how did you know?

Penny: Word travels fast. So ride?

Sam looked at Rachel leaving her house, get into car, a glance his way and she was gone. Sam sighed. He was missing her already.

Penny: Sammy?

Sam: Sure, thanks. Bye mom.

Penny: Oh my gosh just like old times. Bye Mary.

Mary: Mrs. Evans. *kisses Sam's cheek.* Sam, we will talk later. Be safe and talk to Rachel.

As they walked to the car, Penny smiled. 'Not if I have anything to say about it.' She thought.

Penny texted Quinn

Penny: phase one complete, phase two in effect. That train wreck diva is going down.

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