Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello! Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days, I've been under the weather. So forgive me, first of all. Next, thank you for reading my stories. I was excited to see The Perfect You (Smytheberry) and Day before you hit +1k reads. And over 500+ for Country Diva. No matter what haters say, just based on the response my Samchel stories have received, there ARE many who do love Sam and Rachel together. No matter what happens in the end, I will continue to write and read Samchel stories. I personally think the spoilers are making everyone crazy. Can we all PLEASE stop fighting? It's ridiculous and none of us no what's REALLY gonna happen except RIB and the show itself. Its a show, fiction. I don't think anyone would be happy no matter who Rachel's endgame will be. I personally would've loved her with Sebastian and more Blainchel. But that didn't happen. Puckleberry sure. St Berry? Not sure. He hasn't been around, where has he been when she needed a friend at least and only coming back for an episode or so. I don't agree with changing the Samchel storyline so close to the end. If it had been a full season maybe. They did this with Huckleberry and Blainchel too. Start it then killed it without a chance to really be explored. Plus everyone pretty much gave the okay to Samchel, so why kill it now? Overall, can we just stop the petty fights. Seriously. Just enjoy what happens but I think many of us don't want to see six seasons wasted especially for Rachel. Okay rant over.

Anyways, I am still deciding on how long and direction to take story. Suggestions? More Samchel fluff? Drama? Angst? Also would love to hear from my readers but PLEASE no bashing. I will delete reviews that are bashing myself or characters in this story. If you don't like Samchel, then remember there are thousands of other stories to choose from. I'm not at all trying to be rude...not my Intentions BUT don't appreciate hateful reviews bashing me or for me to get my "samchel garbage out of here".

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Storyline, and story is more AU then canon. May time jump story a bit

Song: Lady of my heart by Jack Wagner


The weekend had flown by, and Rachel has spent a lot of time with Sam. Between making love to joining her friends at Lima Bean, Rachel was having fun and perhaps a bit lonely for Lima...Wow did she just say that, she thought.

Currently she was outside of Glee practice room waiting for Kurt and Blaine. Sam went to get something in the cafeteria. It was weird how he fit in, and he is not a student. Don't think it escaped her the looks the other girls were giving him, particularly Lucy Quinn Fabray. Sam was HERS. speaking of the devil...oh wait that's Satan, I mean Santana's name, although Rachel suspected that was a show mask and Santana is hiding who she really is. But that still didn't give them the right to stomp on her. Rachel Berry has a dream and won't let anyone to stand in her way. While lost in thought, Rachel didn't realize someone had come from behind her. She thought it was Sam. Just as she turned to say, "Sam-"

Puck: My hot Jewish Princess! Just couldn't stay away from Puckster.

Rachel rolled her eyes. " Hello Noah!"

Puck: So what are you doing back? Coming back to Glee? I seriously miss seeing those short skirts and animal sweaters.

Rachel: Stop lying, you just want to see my boobs.

Puck: Now that you mention it, but-

Sam: I don't think you want to finish that sentence, Puckerman. Miss Berry is 100% mine.

Puck: You let him in, Berry? Damn I thought your VCard would go to moi, Mr. Badass.

Rachel: Mr. Teddy Bear Puckerman... She smirked.

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