10. The Gathering

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, Last name

(H/C): Hair colour

(E/C): Eye Colour

(F/C): Fave Colour

Normal speech: Like this

(Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval) Speech: Out loud: Like this, Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

Thoughts: *Like this*

Low volume Speech
A.K.A Whispering, Muttering: Like this

Telepathy: <Like this>


Height: 6 ft

Special Ability: 'Glitch' Causes an Error in with the natural laws and principles of the Universe and Manipulates these Laws for the Users benefit

Ability Use: [Like this]

Race: ??? (Former)
Extraterrestrial (Current)
Extraterrestrial Demon (Post Harvest Festival {Slime verse})


Milim: Houu! This is delicious!! I love all the food in this town noda!! Moree!!!!

Clair: Milim-sama, Remember to mind your manners

Milim: H-Hai Onee-chan, Can I have some more please noda!!

Clair: Hai

Clair nodded approvingly and used her Telekinesis to put some more food for Milim, As Milim indulged Clair pat her head with a genuine smile and Shion along with Shuna smiled at the sight as well


Meanwhile (Y/N) along with Gabiru, Rimuru, Kaijin, Vesta and some other Dragonewts were inside the cave in Vesta's Laboratory

Rimuru: Are you okay after yesterday?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, You got struck my Milim lmao

Gabiru: No need to worry, I *W H E E Z E* Am quite tough you know....

Dragonewt#1: Sasuga Gairu-sama, so cool!

(Y/N): Did your communication crystal work okay?

Vesta: Hai, I was able to contact King Gazel, I informed him that Milim-sama attacked but was dealt with

(Y/N): I see

Rimuru: Now we'll just have to see how things go with Milim for now, Be sure to give a report

Vesta: Hai

Gabiru: This is Rimuru-sama's healing potion, 99% of it's composition is extracted from Hipokute herbs, You can drink it or apply it on a wound, the potion of full recovery! full potiooon!!!

Rimuru: Umu Umu

Vesta: In contrast, Dwarven techniques can only extract up to 98%, the potions we make are high potions, a mere 1% makes a tremendous difference in potency, and now at last I have overcome that 1% barrier! This is the result of my research!

(Y/N): Hmm, To be able to accomplish this in such a short amount of time, impressive

Rimuru: All right, I'll appraise it!

Vesta: Please do

Rimuru then hopped onto the table and then Absorbed the Bottle that contained the Potion

Rimuru: *Great sage, please use appraisal*

Great sage: {Answer: This potion is equal to a full potion}

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