20. Prelude to the Disaster

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, Last name

(H/C): Hair colour

(E/C): Eye Colour

(F/C): Fave Colour

Normal speech: Like this

(Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

(A.dvanced L.ight speed E.nergy efficient X. radiation I.ntergalactic S.pacecraft)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

Thoughts: *Like this*

Low volume Speech
A.K.A Whispering, Muttering: Like this

Telepathy: <Like this>

Age: 18

Height: 6'1 ft

Special Ability: 'Glitch' Causes an Error in with the natural laws and principles of the Universe and Manipulates these Laws for the Users benefit

Ability Use: [Like this]

Race: ??? (Former)
Extraterrestrial (Current)
Extraterrestrial Demon (Post Harvest Festival {Slime verse})


There were two people on a hill, Mjurran was sitting against a tree while Youm was resting on her lap, though after a few more seconds, he woke up.

Mjurran: You're awake?

Youm: Yeah... And I like this... Guess it was worth getting my ass kicked by the master

Mjurran: What are you talking about? You're a human. It's your own fault if being reckless kills you

Youm: Heh... You say that as if you're not human... This really is great, I wouldn't mind waking up here every morning...

Mjurran: Ah?! Bakka

She lightly hit his forehead while blushing.

Youm: Ow~

Mjurran: If you feel well enough to joke around, then get off me. We should return to our lodgings, we promised to practice for magic battles with Rommel and the others, remember?

Youm: Ow ow ow, Yeah I know

The two had gotten up and now Mjurran was pushing Youm in front of her, though he eventually started walking on his own.

Youm: But... I wasn't joking you know

Mjurran widened her eyes and blushed a little, and then she felt her chest and looked up at the sky.

Mjurran: Youm... *But my Heart is already under the control of Maou Clayman... I'm just his puppet... You really are an Idiot...*



In the city of (L/N), it was livelier than usual, Monsters and humans alike were all walking through the streets and conversing with one another.

Goblin#1: (Y/N)-sama and Rimuru-sama will be back any time now!

Goblin#2: We'll have to give them a grand welcome!

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