21. Birth of the New Demon Lords

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, Last name

(H/C): Hair colour

(E/C): Eye Colour

(F/C): Fave Colour

Normal speech: Like this

(Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

(A.dvanced L.ight speed E.nergy efficient X. radiation I.ntergalactic S.pacecraft)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

Thoughts: *Like this*

Low volume Speech
A.K.A Whispering, Muttering: Like this

Telepathy: <Like this>

Age: 18

Height: 6'1 ft

Special Ability: 'Glitch' Causes an Error in with the natural laws and principles of the Universe and Manipulates these Laws for the Users benefit

Ability Use: [Like this]

??? (Former)
Extraterrestrial (Current)
Extraterrestrial Demon (Post Harvest Festival)


Souei: <The western Holy church's forces are camped around the city on all sides. Each camp is protecting what appears to be a magic device. I believe these devices are the source of the weakening barrier>

(Y/N): <Can they be disabled?>

Souei: <One of them perhaps, if we surprise them>

(Y/N): <Okay, don't do any more than necessary, continue to keep an eye on things>

Souei: <Understood>

(Y/N): Sorry about that Eren... Now, please tell us this Fairy tale about reviving the dead

Eren: Sure

Eren then held her hands close to her ears, and her ears started to glow and extend, revealing them to now look like an Elf's ears.

Eren then held her hands close to her ears, and her ears started to glow and extend, revealing them to now look like an Elf's ears

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Rimuru: Eh?

Kval/Gido: Ahh...

Eren: It's okay... This is a Fairy tale handed down in the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, the story of a girl and a dragon. The girl was the daughter of a human and a Dragon and was raised as the Dragon princess. One day, her father, the dragon, made a double of himself in the form of a baby dragon and gave it to her as a companion. But then, In an effort to take control over the Dragon princess, the king killed the baby dragon. The girl went mad with pain, grief, and rage. With the power she had inherited from her father, she destroyed the king along with his entire nation, including tens of thousands of people, then the girl transformed into a Demon Lord, and when she did, the baby dragon miraculously came back to life. But since it had lost its soul when it died, it came back as an evil monster with no will of its own that destroyed everything in its path: the Chaos Dragon. Though it hurt her deeply, the girl sealed away her once-beloved companion. This was the first thing she accomplished upon becoming a Demon Lord. That's the end of the story

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