19. The scheming kingdom of Falmuth

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, Last name

(H/C): Hair colour

(E/C): Eye Colour

(F/C): Fave Colour

Normal speech: Like this

(Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

(A.dvanced L.ight speed E.nergy efficient X. radiation I.ntergalactic S.pacecraft)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

Thoughts: *Like this*

Low volume Speech
A.K.A Whispering, Muttering: Like this

Telepathy: <Like this>

Age: 18

Height: 6'1 ft

Special Ability: 'Glitch' Causes an Error in with the natural laws and principles of the Universe and Manipulates these Laws for the Users benefit

Ability Use: [Like this]

Race: ??? (Former)
Extraterrestrial (Current)
Extraterrestrial Demon (Post Harvest Festival {Slime verse})


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Yare Yare... It's been a few days since I started my first year of high school, and yet apart from Akuru and Hanabatake-san who I've known since middle school, and then my brother, I have yet to actually make any friends... Making matters worse... I struggled just to get an average in my exams, Midterms and Finals, If I don't hit the books again I'll slip for the finals before winter vacation...

After Class is over I head out without saying anything to Akuru and Hanabatake since I wanna get home earlier, And then after waiting for Masato outside we start heading home.

Masato: I really hate it when this time of the year rolls around...

(Y/N): What, Winter vacation?

Masato: What? Are you kidding me? I love winter vacation, Christmas is the best...

(Y/N): Meh...

Masato: You always get like that around Christmas, you hate it or something?

(Y/N): No, It's not Christmas... I mean, I love how It's a time when family get together and show appreciation for one another by giving gifts, but It's a very religious time and I always get the shivers when I go around religious people

Masato: You scared of them? Some of them can be pretty crazy...

(A/N): No offence to religious people

(Y/N): Nope... Nothin like that, but you know why I stopped passing by the church on the way to school?

Masato: That? Right, I never did understand why you wanted to stop going by there... But this way was quicker anyway

(Y/N): The shivering feeling gets even worse when I go near the church... It's weird like something is telling me to stay away

Masato: "Something?" What? You're hearing voices now?

(Y/N): I didn't say that, It's just a gut feeling... What do they call it in class?

Masato: Uhh, An In... Stink or something?

(Y/N): Huh?... Wait- no... I think they said Instinct ;-;

Masato: ;-;

(Y/N): Whatever, It's like that

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