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(A/N): Only one way to describe this chapter...


How was it that the world... The universe came to be?

Some people believe it was some scientific coincidence, others believe it was a god.

Fuck some others believe it was a smart as fuck one-year-old with the ability to time travel.

Well, whatever you believe, in this universe, everything was created by one being.

This being created everything there in the universe, and created a system, which is "The Natural Law".

After its work was done, the being left the job of watching over the universe to its creations.

Many different Gods and Goddesses.

The God that watched over the system. The natural order, one day noticed something. The system was not perfect. The system seemed to have some bugs... Or in other words... a Glitch.

This Glitch went against the natural order and caused.... irregularities, through the ages it was though this error was growing more and more powerful and unstable with every incarnation.

This could not stand.

Where does this bring us?



Somewhere beyond the universe, you will find a sea of clouds, and atop of the clouds, you will find the realm of the gods.

To be honest it might as well be Asgard. But unlike Asgard, the only beings that live there, are the Gods.

And at the edge of that realm, was a castle, and the focus of this part of the chapter is the people inside. Right now, someone was walking through the halls.

She wore a red dress, carried a staff, had silver hair and red eyes. I'm not very descriptive, so here is a picture-

 I'm not very descriptive, so here is a picture-

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There you go.

Anyway, she had been summoned by the "head honcho" of the place. The "Overseer" of the 'system' A.K.A the natural order.

She walked through the halls of the castle with an anxious look on her face.

She arrived at two large doors and to her left, she saw a woman that had black hair, fading to white at the tips and she was dressed in a maids attire.

The Glitch Of The Multiverse (Male reader X Multiverse)Where stories live. Discover now