17. Trade with the Animal kingdom

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(Y/N) (L/N): Your name, Last name

(H/C): Hair colour

(E/C): Eye Colour

(F/C): Fave Colour

Normal speech: Like this

(Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

(A.dvanced L.ight speed E.nergy efficient X. radiation I.ntergalactic S.pacecraft)
Speech: Out loud: Like this
Directly to (Y/N)'s Mind: {Like this}

Thoughts: *Like this*

Low volume Speech
A.K.A Whispering, Muttering: Like this

Telepathy: <Like this>

Age: 18

Height: 6'1 ft

Special Ability: 'Glitch' Causes an Error in with the natural laws and principles of the Universe and Manipulates these Laws for the Users benefit

Ability Use: [Like this]

Race: ??? (Former)
Extraterrestrial (Current)
Extraterrestrial Demon (Post Harvest Festival {Slime verse})


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Our delegates had left for the animal kingdom run by the beastmaster Demon Lord Carrion, and now Tempest must prepare to receive the delegates from Eurazania, and together with Rimuru, Shion and my newest maid Alexis, we were performing checks around the city of (L/N) to ensure everything was going smoothly.

Rimuru: Umu Umu, Looks like the reception hall will be ready in time

(Y/N): That's good, how are the chefs doing?

Shion: Hai, Shuna-sama is teaching them, they're all quick learners and coming along well


We went inside a building and saw just that. A good feeling to see it all, Shuna mentoring the goblins on cooking, she seems to be good at nearly everything, then again she was the Ogre princess.

Shuna: Hmm, Yes... I think it could use just a bit more salt


Shion: As for the reception hall waiting staff, Vesta-dono is giving them guidance

Rimuru: Yeah, I guess proper etiquette is kinda his forte, we can always count on a noble

Heh... Nobles in any world are typically not to be trusted ;-;


And now we're in an office, Shion was flipping through a book in her hand going to read out the next task.

Shion: And, Umm, the date for you both to visit the Armed Nation of Dwargon has been set

(Y/N): Oh yeah, Him

Rimuru: We gotta thank him for establishing diplomatic relations with Tempest, he's probably not too happy with Milim's involvement in the Charybdis incident, so we'll have to explain that...

I let out a sigh and scratch the back of my head, this is just too much sometimes, so much so that I find it funny.

Alexis: Is something the matter, (Y/N)-sama?

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