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Minako's POV

I already finished preparing their breakfast and now I'm packing their packed lunch. I based their packaging from their hair color so it's easy to distinguish. Then, Akashi appeared.

"Minako." He called. I turned around and he is with Murasakibara-nii who is already changed.

"Morning Mina-chin..." He greeted.

"Morning Murasakibara-nii!" I greeted after I finished preparing their bento. Then, Midorima-nii and Kuroko-nii joined as well. 

"Morning Sis..." Kuroko-nii greeted and Midorima-nii pushed his glasses back as a greeting.

"Morning Bro-" I stopped because I heard a scream from upstairs.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Kise-nii screamed. Then we heard a big crash from the stairs.

"Kise-nii? Aomine-nii?" I called with confusion.

"What is it this time, you idiots?" Akashi-nii asked and we checked where the incident took place. We checked the staircase and we saw Aomine-nii on top of Kise-nii which had me on mind that they ran downstairs and bumped their heads.

"KISE, YOU BASTARD! YOU WE'RE SLOW!" Aomine-nii shouted.

"WHAT? IT WAS YOU WHO IS SLOW, AOMINECCHI!!!" Kise shouted as well. They were about to argue and suddenly Akashi-nii's dark aura appeared again. 

"You two will not gonna stop?" He smirked. They flinched while standing up.

"You guys ran the stairs again?" Kuroko-nii asked.

"Again?!?!?" I doubted with shock.

"It always happens on both of them." Akashi-nii added after his aura disappeared. So, I sighed and went back in the kitchen.

"Let's go eat. The food will get cold." I said and all of the guys went back and took a seat to eat their breakfast.

"Wait for us!" Aomine-nii said while dragging Kise-nii and sat down. 

Suddenly, Kuroko-nii took a dart that is on the other table at threw at me but I caught it without facing them and threw on the dartboard placed on the right side of the kitchen and I hit the bullseye. The boys were in shock and we smirked.

"WHOA!!!" Murasakibara-nii gasped while eating.

"Bullseye." Midorima-nii sighed and pushed back his glasses.

"KUROKOCCHI!?!?" Kise-nii shouted then Aomine-nii hit his head with a fist.

"Heh... These siblings are interesting..." Akashi-nii said with a smirk on his face.

"I didn't know you can play darts." Midorima-nii said.

"You still have that sixth sense..." Kuroko-nii said.

"Just like the old times, brother..." I answered.

"Heh... As usual..." He answered with a smile. The boys tilted their heads thinking what is this about. 

"You better start eating, guys. You will be late." I said. Then they looked at the time so they eat as fast as they can. Minutes later, Kuroko-nii and Midorima-nii were finished and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Does this really happen to them?" I thought. Afterwards, Murasakibara-nii is already done and took his school bag.

"I'm going out now. See you guys later." Murasakibara-nii greeted.

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