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Akashi's POV

We were in shock in Minako attacking a guy with a gun. Does she studied martial arts? I need a tutor. She is brave to sacrifice her life to save her loved ones.

"We... Already lost... Our Parents... I... DON'T... WANNA... LOSE... ANOTHER!!!" She screamed while catching her breath. But something's off, then I noticed blood flowing on her arm.

"M-Minacchi???" Kise asked. As she faced us, we were in shock in what we see. She sacrifices her life by getting hit. Two bullets were hit on her left arm near the shoulder.

"MINAKO!!!" I screamed and caught her before she collapsed.

"Take her to the hospital!!! We will handle this guy..." Aomine said in a cold tone and I nodded. So, we planned to split up: Midorima and Kuroko will go with me then Aomine, Kise and Murasakibara will handle Ogiwara.

At Hospital...

As we go in the hospital, the nurses noticed her and brought to the operation room. It made us worry about her condition, especially for Kuroko because she is his sister.

"Midorima-kun..." He cried. So Midorima comforted him and told him that she will be okay. I'm getting a bit worried about her condition.

"Please Minako... Please... Don't die for me..." I whispered while walking around in circle. 

"Akashi, you seem to be tensed right now..." Midorima wondered.

"This should not happen to her! First, she collapse before we came. Second, a sprained ankle. Now, This! I'll make him pay for what he did." I said with an angry tone. I can't believe that she would encounter this with us.

"Akashi-kun, don't think that way. Think positive and Minako will survive.  She's a fighter, and a protector. She won't give up." Kuroko cried. Then I sighed to calm myself.

"You're right, Kuroko. I should think that she will survive this." I said and I sat down with them. You can do this, Minako.

Two hours passed, the doctor who handled Minako came out from the Operation Room. So, we stood up.

"Doc, any news?" I asked.

"Well, good news actually. The good news are we had removed the two bullets from her left arm near the shoulder. And we transfused her with a B blood type." The doctor said and we sighed in relief.

"S-So, we can visit her?" Kuroko asked.

"Yes, you can see her in a few minutes. I will also put an elastic bandage to support her left arm. But she needs to take a rest here for two days." The doctor answered.

"Thank you, Doc." We greeted and he left to do his rounds. Kuroko had his tears of joy that Minako is okay. And I sat down for a minute.

"Thank goodness she's okay..." He sighed.

"Come here..." Midorima said and hugged Kuroko. I feel relieved that she's okay, but still angry on that Ogiwara.

"We're still not done with that Ogiwara guy." I said. Then, Aomine, Kise and Murasakibara came.

"OI!" Aomine called.

"Kise, Aomine, Murasakibara, what happened to Ogiwara?" Midorima asked.

"Well, he's arrested of having firearms, trespassing in someone's property and shooting a minor." Aomine explained.

"Besides, I took a video of it and sent it to the authorities and they will handle the rest." Kise added.

"Good." I responded.

"How's Minachin?" Murasakibara asked.

"The operation was successful. She just need some rest for two days before discharge." Midorima said. The three sighed in relief hearing the news.

"Thank goodness..." Kise sighed.

"Minachin!!!" Murasakibara cried with tears of joy.

"Your sister is a survivor, Tetsu." Aomine sighed and patted Kuroko's head. Then, a nurse approached us.

"Excuse me... Are you guys relatives of Miss Minako Kuroko?" She asked. We nodded as our reply.

"Well, she's already awake and wanted to see you." She said and lead the way to her room.

In Minako's Hospital Room...

As the nurse lead the room where Minako is, we entered the room. We saw Minako sitting on the bed with elastic bandage on her left arm .

"Minako/Minachin/ Minacchi!!!" We greeted with tears of joy.

"Hi guys!" She greeted. And we hugged her, not too tight because of her injury.

"We're glad your okay!" Kise said with tears.

"Minachin! I brought you maiubo if your hungry!" Murasakibara cried and showed the box of maiubo.

"Midorima-kun and I were very worried about you..." Kuroko cried to his sister.

"Aww... Thanks guys..." She smiled. After hugging Minako, we told her about Ogiwara being arrested. She nodded as her respond.

"He will never get away from hurting you, Minachin." Murasakibara said.

"He will get through us if he is going to hurt either of you two." Aomine said.

"First, he wanted Kurokocchi desperately. Now, he hurted Minako! He just crossed the line!" Kise said.

"He will make sure that he will suffer..." Kuroko said with anger. Honestly, we've never seen Kuroko angry before.

"Kuroko-nii, you don't have to worry now. Everything will be fine. Besides, you have brother-in-law with you." She teased Midorima. Suddenly, Midorima and Kuroko blushed on what she said. I smirked and she giggled on them.

"Brother-in-law?!?!?" The three of them gasped. Then, Midorima pushed his glasses and Kuroko covered his red face.

"D-D-Do you really have to say that???" Midorima asked with a stutter.


"What do you mean, Brother-in-law?" Aomine asked.

"Are they in a relationship?" Murasakibara asked.

"Well... You got it right, Murasakibara-nii..." She replied. Kise and Aomine jawdropped knowing their relationship.

"Congrats, new lovers!" Murasakibara greeted.

"T-T-T-Thanks, Murasakibara..." Midorima said and Kuroko nodded in reply. Minako and I laughed about them.

"Murasakibara-nii has a boyfriend, Midorima-nii and Kuroko-nii are in a relationship, what about you three?" Minako asked. The three of us were in shock.

"U-U-U-U-U-Uhm... S-S-Still... Haven't found???" Kise doubted.

"W-W-W-Well... Haven't... Confessed yet..." Aomine said as he scratches his head.

"What about you, Akashi-nii?" She asked with a smile that I always wanted to see. I blushed too much.

"I... I found her... But I haven't confessed to her yet..." I answered.

"HER?!?!?! SO WHO IS SHE???" She asked. I gestured a quiet sign on her.

"It's... A... Secret..." I answered then she pouted which made me laugh. It's so cute seeing her pout. 

But to be honest, I fell in love with you before you came here. My sadness has been changed into happiness the first time I saw you. Ever since then, your smile won't get out of my head. I wanted to get to know you before asking you. I don't want to rush things, Minako. I want things to go smoothly.

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