Chapter 2

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Okay... I am SOOOoooo excited to see people reading and enjoying(?) my story!! Your comments have been great and encouraging! I might have rushed the editing on this a bit because I was so excited.. :-/ so if you guys need to just tell me to slow down and take more time editing because I really want you to be able to enjoy it as you read!!

We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience,

experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.

Romans 5:3-5

Chapter 2

"Matt, when are we going to be like Mother and Daddy were? You know like they always helped other people?"

"Well Mall, I guess as soon as I have you taken care of I can start trying to take care of the rest of the impoverished population but you know that you come first."

Yes I know that I come first I come even before him in his mind. How many people are more concerned about their traumatized little sister than their own selves? I without a doubt must have the best brother in the entire world.

"I feel taken care of Matt. You got us a house, you bought us soup, and you met an old man who gave us oats. Yes, I definitely think you have taken better care of me than anyone else in the world ever would."

"Well that is my job is it not Mallory DeMark? I am pleased that you feel I have done admirably but I will feel better about it if I can find myself a job."

"Okay, so if you find a job then we can help everyone else?"

"You are still thinking of everyone else Mall? You are just like our mother. You know it was her who would bring the poor in off the streets and feed and clothe them? Father was the preaching kind but our mother, she was the helping kind. Not that fathers preaching wasn't just as important. No, he was saving their souls while mother was giving them comfort."

I really never did know that it was mother who took care of the poor but it made something inside of me happy to hear Matthew say I was just like her.

"Yes Mall, as soon as I am taking good care of you you are welcome to start nursing and helping others but you must promise me to be careful" As he said that he held me by the shoulders and turned me to face him, his eyes searching mine.

"You must promise Mall, you must promise to be ever so careful with the people you help."

I knew what he was talking about. All my life we have had talks about who we can trust and who we cannot. Who could be a danger to me since I am a young girl. I knew he wanted me only to be looking out for myself as well and for his sake I knew I would.

"Yes Matt, I will be very careful. And I won't start until you say so."

I could see him relax thankful that I understood.

"Okay that's my girl."

We walked on, looking down allies and side streets. Finding places that would be good for hiding. We made it to the market square and walked along looking at wares and people. Matthew says it is very important to memorize the people so you know if someone is new. If someone is new they could be a danger because they could be a spy for the OFFICIALS.

At some of the stalls Matt would tell the man he was looking for work. He knew a lot of the men and a lot of them had known our parents before us. I liked the market because of that, because everyone kind of looked out for us. They wouldn't be easy on us or anything like that. We paid the same as everyone else but they would watch us and make sure we were getting along well. We stopped at the man who sells meat and Matthew told him that he was looking for a job.

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