Chapter 4

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And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

Chapter 4

Not having much to do I decide to go down to the Juile St. alley to see if any of the usual street kids are there.

Matthew and I used to spend a lot of time hanging around there pooling together our finds and trading with other kids for stuff we needed. In general there are no adults but then again we count everyone we have ever known as a kids still even if they have “grown up”. Like Matthew who was at least seventeen if not eighteen would still be considered a kid. I wind my way down streets and alley ways until I reach Juile St.

You always have to be careful going into the alley there because it's kind of a known hang out. No one usually bothers us but you never know when an O could be itching for a fight so he might come and jump you just for the excitement of it.

I didn't see anyone so I stepped in and was hit and knocked to the ground. I came up fast grabbing a piece of wood about to whack my assailant when I see her face.

It was Drue.

She is a street kid I've known all my life. Suddenly the alley erupted with laughter and I joined in. Not only do you need to be careful of bored O's you should be weary of bored bums. It was a frequently played trick and I have to admit I'd done it countless times to others. Jump a friend just to get a reaction. No one ever got worse than bruises because you figure out quickly that it's all in fun.

I walk to an upturned crate and sit down. Everyone goes quiet and doesn’t look me in the eye. They must know about Matthew.

"So, how's life?" asks Drue cautiously.

"Good, great." I answer biting my lip.

"Oh, so um... where's Matt?"

I hesitate for an instant before replying. “In heaven."

"What! He's dead? They killed him?" Drue gushes in astonishment.

"Yeah I guess they killed him."

"They who? We just heard he was alive."

"You what?” I ask as hope floods my mind. I quickly quench it knowing it can’t be true. Matthew is dead. The O’s killed him  “Matthew was killed two days ago, alright?" I snap a bit harsher than I’d intended.

I could feel myself getting worked up and hear Matt saying calm down Mall you're getting hysterical.

"Alright" several kids say but then from a pile of trash I hear a voice I've never heard before say "No, you are wrong. Your brother is not dead."

Drue walks over and stares at someone behind the pile and says "Look she says her brother's dead; he's dead, got it?"

"Whatever if you don't want to believe me but he isn't dead...yet." Drue is about to haul off and punch the kid but I jump up and grab her hand.

"Wait. What makes you think that Matthew's not dead?" I cringe at the hope rising with those words but push it down.

"Well for starters, I saw him last night."

I know he's got to be lying. Saw Matthew last night. Come on if Matthew was alive he wouldn't be hiding from me unless...he's captured. No I tell myself, the evidence didn't point to that. It's just wishful thinking. I've walked into some kind of trap.

"Who are you anyway?"


"Well welcome Olen. You new to the streets?" I decide not to take his claim literally and just ignore it.

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