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Grillby was just laying on the couch waiting for his boyfriend to get home. It was already 11:58, Sans was normally home by 10 but he had called Grillby and told him he would be late home tonight.

So the fire monster waited, and waited, until he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He sat up just as the little skeleton walked in.

"Hey sweetie, where you been?"

Grillby joked at his lover, Sans smiled.

"Oh you know just working myself to the bone."

Sans walked over to the couch that is his boyfriend still sat on. The skeleton fell on top of Grillby and just layed there.

"Rough day?"

The taller chuckled and began to gently scratch his partners back. Grillby layed back down with Sans on top of him. They stayed like that for a couple minutes.

"Do you wanna go on a walk?"

Sans asked suddenly he looked at his boyfriend. Grillby gave him a questioning look.

"Why do you ask?"

" I just wanna go on a walk with you."
Sans shrugged still looking at Grillby waiting for an answer.

"Sure why not, let's go."

They both got up from the couch and started putting on warm clothing since they would be walking out in Snowden. They left the house holding hands, no one to bother them since it was almost midnight. Sans hummed some lullaby he heard once as he walked with his love.

"What made you want to go on a walk bumble bee?"

Sans laughed

"Bumble bee?"

"Yes bumble bee, I think is cute. Do you not like it?"  Grillby asked with a hurt voice.
Sans was quick to try and fix it.

"No no I like bumble bee, it's just you never called me that before. I love it sweetie."

Grillby smirked

"Oh I know I just wanted to hear you say it."

The skeleton playfully hit his boyfriend's arm as they both laughed. They continued to walk until they reached a single tree in the middle of a field right before they reached the forest.

They say down and just enjoyed each other's company. They talked about things that made them smile and laugh. Sans told a few horrible puns unfortunately, making Grillby get up and pretend to walk away, but he came back to his lover.

At some point in time the fire monster fell asleep his head on Sans lap. Sans played with Grillby's flames as hummed the melody from before.

The smalle monster eventually teleported then back to their room and he undressed Grillby and himself for bed. Sans laid his boyfriend down and snuggled next to him, at the same moment Grillby hugged his lover closer.

"I love you bumble bee"
Grillby sleepy whispered.

I love you too, marshmallow"

Sans kissed him goodnight and they fell asleep cuddled close.

Yay, I did it guys! What did you think? What should I write about next?

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