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*Third P.O.V*
Sans and Grillby were talking in their usual spots in Grillby's bar.
Sans was laughing at what Grillby just said. "So you're telling me"( pause for ze laugh)" if i died you would kill everyone in this room and then your self?" Sans found that funnier than that should have been.

Grillby raised an eybrow
at Sans while grinning. " Whats so funny with that, love?"  Grillby said as he leaned across the bar to be face to face with his lover. Sans put his forehead against his fiery boyfriend. He chuckled" Dude... Im just tired"  He laughed a little more and then wore a content smile with closed eyes.

Grillby loved how content
his boyfriend looked right now. Grillby slowly moved back and kisses his forehead.
The bar had already been closed for the night, so Sans and Grillby were just cleaning up. Grillby decided it was clean enough as he looped around the counter to his boyfriend. He pulled him into a loving hug. The smaller skeleton leaned into his warmth.

All of a sudden Grillby scooped
Sans up into a bridal style hold. Sans let out a small yelp his face flushed in embarrassment at his noise. Grillby smirked down at him and kisses his nose.

The two made their way
up from the bar into their small home above the bar. Sans held close to his lover
" Aww you're adorable, darling." Grillby said pulling him closer. He knew his boyfriends face was probably blushing madly now.
They made it to their bed and Grillby laid Sans down. "Can we cuddle" Sans asked sleepily up to his boyfriend. Grillby nuzzeled his face into his neck. "Of course, my dear." Grillby got up and started undressing " Cause he sleep in his underwear." He got onto bed as sans changed into one of Grillby's hoodies ( Cause thats all he sleeps in.)  
They got into bed and snuggled all while Grillby whisperd how much he loved Sans into the night, while he held him closer.

Wow i hope thats good. I really love this ship so yeah!💜🌈

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