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Sal didn't know what to say. What would make Travis feel better? How was he meant to respond to what Travis said?

He had told Larry that Travis had gotten sick and that he was watching after him, but in actuality, Sal was sitting silently in the hallway, a couple of feet away from the bathroom door.

He wanted to give Travis the time and space that he needed to cool down, but he also wanted to be right there when Travis decided to open the door. They had a lot to talk about.

"Hey, man," Larry walked up to him. "How's Travis?"

"Still sick," Sal smiled sadly, ashamed of himself for lying to his best friend's face. He didn't want to expose Travis for something that he himself wasn't proud of.

"Alright, Sally Face. Tell him that I hope he feels better." Larry gave him a fist bump. "Todd and Ash are heading home. I wanted to say goodbye before leaving."

"Bye Larry face." He grinned. "Text me, alright?"

"Will do, little buddy." Larry gave him a thumbs up before exiting the apartment.

Sal sat in the hallway for a long time after that. He was reluctant to speak to Travis through the door, as he knew that he needed space.

He pulled out his gear-boy and did a quick scan of the area before playing a game on it quietly. Sal hoped that Travis was okay. He had no idea what he was going to say to him once he came out. Did he like Travis? Maybe a little. He wasn't the same person he once was.

Sal lifted his head. Maybe he should order them some dinner? He shook his head. He had to talk to Travis first.

He frowned. Was he really the type of person that could be in a relationship? Sal had been in one before, but it was a nightmare. Was he doomed to have that same experience again if he dated Travis?

Dating someone would mean he had to take his prosthetic off in front of them, at least once. He shuddered at the thought of Travis seeing his face. Sal could already see the way he would stare, if he saw, or equally bad, immediately look away.

Though, Sal wasn't sure what the right reaction would be anyway. Any scenario where someone was to see his face was bound to be awkward and terrible.

He whipped his head around as the bathroom doorknob jangled. This was it. It was time.

Travis opened the door and stepped out, flinching at the sight of Sal sitting on the hardwood floor, staring up at him.

"What're you doing here?" His eyes were wide.

"Uh... Sitting?" Sal stammered.

"What about everyone else?"

"T-They headed out.." Sal stood up. "About what you said-"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all of that stuff." Travis cut him off.

"It's ok!" Sal smiled, holding his hand out. "We'll just take it one step at a time!"

"I-it?" He furrowed his brow.

Sal lowered his hand, confused. "Dating. Isn't that what... You wanted?"

Travis's face turned red. "I-I never said that!"

"Oh." Sal blushed. "But... I thought... You said you wanted to hold my hand, and you like it when I hold your face, you liked when I fell asleep on your shoulder, and stuff." He mumbled. "Aren't those all... Boyfriend things?"

Travis felt himself become more embarrassed with every word that came out of Sal's mouth. "You want to... be my boyfriend?"

"Well, " Sal looked down, "Uhm, yeah, I guess."

"You guess?" Travis raised an eyebrow.

"I-I do, but, " He smiled sadly, "I am a little nervous. It's kind of scary, I think." He sighed and looked up. "Do you want me to be your boyfriend?"

Travis reddened.

"We- We don't have to use that word," Sal assured him. "As I said, we can take it slow."

He hesitated, feeling self-hatred waver for a moment as he looked at him. "Okay."


Sal felt heavy, to say the least. It could've been fear, it could've been disbelief, it could've been happiness, it could've been the fact that he and Travis had just eaten an entire pizza together. More likely, it might've been the expression on Travis's face that really caused it.

The guy looked traumatized. He seemed a little off while they were eating, but now, it was almost scary to look at him.

"Do you... Not want to do this?" Sal asked softly. "I won't be offended if you say yes. You don't look so good. I was just wondering what was on your mind. Do you-"

"My father," Travis mumbled, starting ahead. "Imagine what he'd do to me if he found out."

"Do to you?"

"There's really no telling." He grumbled. "When I was little, I used to get best for simple things, like tracking dirt in the house. What would he do to me if he knew about this?"

"Nothing, " Sal reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "because you have a place here now."

"And if he came here?"

"Then... My dad and I would protect you."

"Right, right." Travis nodded. He turned to face Sal and realized that he was smiling at him. Travis smiled back.

Better Than I'd Thought | Sally Face x Travis PhelpsWhere stories live. Discover now