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    "Sal, " Travis mumbled, walking up to him after school. He adjusted the straps of his backpacks. "Were you waiting long?"

   Sal gulped, shaking his head. "Not long." He looked away, recalling the conversation he'd overheard in the boys' bathroom.

   "Oh, alright, " He looked him up and down, "good."

   Sal nodded, saying nothing.

His voice came quietly,  "Let's go." Travis took hold of his wrist after a moment.

   It was cold outside, snow falling lightly. Sal's blue hair was in a different style today. Half up, half down.

  Travis flushed, "Your hairstyle, it's nice."

   "Thanks," Sal mumbled.

    He furrowed his brows. He's definitely got his mind on something, he thought. Travis cleared his throat to break the painful silence. "Everything okay?"

   Sal nodded wordlessly.

    Travis looked down. He's thinking about school, probably. He decided not to dwell on it.

The two boys walked together in silence, Sal keeping a few feet between them.

A gust of cold wind brushed through Travis's hair. He shuddered, shoving his hands in his pockets. "It's gonna be Christmas soon." He mumbled.

Sal nodded, "We'll celebrate."

Travis smiled for a moment. Maybe this year, he'd be able to have a nice Christmas. Usually, he and his father just sat in silence at the dinner table all night and ate, and then Travis would go to bed.

He'd heard kids at school talk about Christmas. It didn't sound like anything he was used to.

"Do you like Christmas, Sal?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

He nodded.

"Let's buy ornaments and stuff tomorrow."

Sal forced a smile. "Okay."

Travis looked away, wrinkling his face up in confusion. Sal was being awfully quiet.


"Dad?" The little boy called out, sitting up straight in his chair. His blonde hair was brushed back against his head

He frowned, glancing at his father, who wasn't paying attention, "Dad?" He mumbled again.

"What is it, Travis?" Kenneth sighed, turning his attention to the young boy.

"Why are they getting married?" Travis asked, staring ahead at the bride standing in the middle of a crowd on the dance floor.

"Because they're in love. You'll be in love too one day." His father explained.

"And then I'll get married?" Travis's dark eyes sparkled. He grinned.

"Yes. You'll find yourself a nice bride, and she'll join the church."

The little boy's grin fell and he furrowed his brows, fiddling with the edge of the white table cloth, "Bride?"

Kenneth nodded, "A pretty girl."

"Huh?" Travis flushed. He shook his head, one strand of hair falling in front of his face, "But I don't like girls!"

Better Than I'd Thought | Sally Face x Travis PhelpsWhere stories live. Discover now