25 - Final Chapter

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"An Amusement park?" Travis frowned, "Are you sure you're up for that? It'll be cold, and-"

   Sal nodded, looking down at his legs with a smile. "I feel fine. We can go tomorrow, for my birthday."

   "Birthday?" Travis's eyes widened.

   "Yeah," He said, untying his shoes, "December 20th."

Travis swallowed, shaking his head, "You should've told me, I-" he stressed, "I could've known- I could've done something."

   "Don't worry about it." Sal laughed, "I'm turning eighteen. I don't need some elaborate party."

"But," He stammered, "but you turning eighteen- Eighteen is even more reason to celebrate, or-"

"We can celebrate by going to the amusement park." Sal insisted, "Larry and Todd and Ash will come too."

"Are you sure?" Travis mumbled. "All I've gotten you is applesauce, and I didn't even know it was your birthday."

Sal laughed with his eyes squeezed shut, "I'm sure, really. I'll be happy if we're all there tomorrow."

"Alright..." He brushed it off hesitantly. Sal did legitimately seem to be happy, so he decided that he wouldn't push too hard.

"When's your birthday, Travis?"

"It's in April, the 6th," He said, looking away.

Sal smiled coyly, I'm older than you.


   Travis jolted awake in a cold sweat, heart racing. He sat up and backed himself up against the headboard, gasping for air.

    A nightmare, probably the millionth one he'd had since he saw his father that day.

   Sal was shocked awake just as quickly as he was. The bedroom was dark, and he could barely see. "What's wrong?" He asked, slightly alarmed as he lazily strapped his prosthetic on. His blue hair messily stuck out through the straps.

   Travis's eyes were squeezed shut as he tensely balled his hands into fists, choking on breaths.

   "It's okay," Sal assured him, anxiously getting into a kneeling position next to him. "It was a bad one, huh?" He'd never seen him like this."

   Though Sal was no stranger to panic attacks, he wasn't sure what would help Travis calm down and feel better.

   "It's okay," He said again, reaching out to him, "It'll go away."

   Travis shook his head after a long while of sitting up, chest heaving as Sal pressed a hand against his shoulder. He frowned, ashamed of his sudden weakness. "I'm alright," he lied, focusing on his breathing.

   "Are you sure?" Sal mumbled, "What did you dream about? I'll listen if you want me to."

   "It's just," He sighed, fanning his face with the collar of his t-shirt, "It's not like that, the dream wasn't even that detailed or anything. It's my dad." Travis admitted. "When it's him I dream about, I get freaked out. It feels like he's inside my head."

   "Did he do something? In your nightmare?"

   "He was just... There." He said. "He was just standing there, staring."

Better Than I'd Thought | Sally Face x Travis PhelpsWhere stories live. Discover now