Kayn is part of the Shadow order, Learning the ways of the shadow technique. But then a second Noxian Invasion happens. He is sent to the Placiduim where he meets Xan Irelia, the legendary Navori where the great stand happened only 5 years ago. He a...
We begin with flashbacks to Kayn's relationship with Irelia. *Kissing Noises* "We should stop, Irelia." I said "We shouldn't, Kayn," She snapped back at me. "Babe, what's wrong." I asked in a worried way. I basically gave her puppy eyes. "Fine, I lost to a Noxian warrior by a landslide." She replied angrily. "Irelia, don't let that get into your head, babe." I replied trying to to calm her down. And it worked. "You just pick the right words at the right time, Kayn. My Guardian Angel." She said then kissing my cheek. I just smiled and kissed her cheek. "So what do you want to do now?" I asked. "Sex?" She asked hesitantly. "We had sex yesterday Irelia, come on." "Who said we couldn't?" She hissed back "It isn't healthy for our relationship Irelia." I said It was too late she had pinned me down and bit my arm. I squealed in pain, trying to get her off of me then she had a blade to my neck. "If we don't have sex right now, I won't hesitate to stab you in the head." She hissed "Irelia..." I pleaded "Don't Irelia... me." She snapped at me So I went along with it, was technically rape but I never said anything. End of flashback I had so much anger in me from that day. The day after that I had disappeared from the Placidium and went back to the Shadow Order. Surprisingly Akali and I got along somewhat. We argued about many things like if Pineapple pizza was acceptable, favorite candy, video game etc. Once we got to then Placidium, I saw her. She had looked at me in a way I'd never seen before. She had looked tired, desperate, even depressed. I never thought leaving her like that would make her feel this bad. I heard her footsteps running towards me. All of the anger from that day came to me. I had jumped up and kicked her straight in the face. Everyone was shocked and then they starting coming (This fanfic Rhaast doesn't exist) Some men drew their weapons so i drew mine (at the bottom of the page) One by One they fell before me it felt great having people fall on their knees at my mercy "Kayn.." Irelia said. "Don't start with me you whore." I snapped at her. "I DID THAT EXACT SAME THING TO YOU AND WHAT DID YOU TO ME!" I was about to lose it. "Relax Kayn. I know what she did to you." Akali whispered into my ear. "Wha how aba-." I was cut off "I'll explain later." "LET US DUEL KAYN, TO SEE WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG. I WILL WIN AND I WILL HAVE YOUR LOVE BACK TO ME AND ME ONLY." "SIIIIMP!" Akali yelled. Part 2 of idk done
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