Why are you here🍋

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Two straight lemon chapters in a row oh my god Stk is horny. No I'm not it's part of the plan. Let's get into it.
I woke this morning feeling really good with Akali and I having sex it was amazing. I tried to sit up but she dragged me back down. She was asleep so I don't know how she did that.
"Kali you awake?" I asked
She didn't move but she smiled.
"AHA!" I yelled "you are awake."
I cuddled her to death.
"Ok ok ok Kayn stop!" She said in excitement
"No!" I exclaimed
This went on for a fair bit before I heard a knock on the door.
"Shieda Kayn, thank you for answering."
They looked desperate for something
"What do you need?" I asked
"Irelia... she's out of control, she's killing innocent people because she didn't win the duel." He started
"She will stop killing if you talk to her and have sex with her.."
I hated this it put me in a lose lose situation.
"Akali what do i do?" I asked her..
She just nodded so that meant go
"Will you get mad at me for having sex with her?" I asked
"No I will not if it's saving lives." She replied
"Alright then." I said.
When he got there
It was a shit ton of emotions re-entering the placidium where everything all began for Kayn. But he came here determined to put Irelia's tyranny to an end. Once he got to the room, he couldn't help but look around the room, almost as if it had been brand to him, like those years ago. Then she spoke.
"Look who decided to return." She said
"Let's not try and stall this out any longer, you have your end of the deal and I have mine." I stated
"Fair enough." She said quickly, then she stripped herself.
"Will you stop killing if I do this with you?" I said making sure she knows about the deal she made.
"Yes yes I will I will, now hurry up before I change my mind." Irelia said impatiently
Lemon starts here
I walked towards her and she approached me and we started to kiss, just then all the emotions and the moans came back to me. She held me in a way i had never seen her before, she seemed genuinely desperate and just wanted to get my attention in the most disastrous way possible. I walk her to her bed and lay her down and she stripped me. I lowered my head to her pussy and started licking her clit, she started to moan and she never stopped. I did this for about 30 minutes before I grabbed my dick and inserted into her pussy, I started thrusting slowly, understanding her after having sex with her for so long.
"You remembered how we used to fuck." Irelia said in between her moans.
I couldn't forget, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't. I eventually started to speed up my thrusts and after about a couple of hours, I came inside her and she climaxed. Irelia laid on the bed panting, exhausted. I was fairly exhausted myself too, but there was this feeling of me still being attached to her, even after all that she did to me, like without her I wouldn't be who I am as a man, a person.
"I missed you Kayn." She said
I couldn't lie to her and myself.
"I missed you too Irelia." I said as I kissed her and as she laid on my chest and fell asleep.
Lemon end


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