The Duel Of Two Former Lovers

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I stepped into the dueling arena, Irelia on the other side. I couldn't do this but I had to.
"What are terms of if you win or lose Irelia." An elderly man said to her.
"If I win, Kayn will be mine and mine only, if I lose, he is free to be with whoever he wants."
"Shieda Kayn, what are you conditions." He asked me.
"If I win, I don't have to be with Irelia.." I tried to think of someone then I saw Akali. "If I lose, I have to be with Irelia. Those are my terms sir."
He nodded and signaled something and Irelia ran straight too me. She threw a blade and leapt out of the way before she threw the second blade. I ran toward her and knowing that if I can grab one of her blades and impale her with it she's done for. She gathered the blades around her in defensive posture and mitigated my swings, but I knew that there was a short time frame when she was vulnerable so reached for a blade and aimed for her shoulder and barely missed. I backed up. She was in an offensive position now charging at me with her blades in front of her. I had blocked her maneuvers pretty quickly put my sword on my back. I was better fighting barehanded than with a weapon. The crowd gasped in shock and I heard murmurs everywhere and then I saw Irelia smirk, this pissed me off so I ran behind her, grabbed her waist and JOHN CENA! (Basically suplexed her) I heard a loud thud. I didn't hesitate and walked to her. She was bleeding from her head. "I NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION, SHE'S BLEEDING FROM HER HEAD!" The crowd had gone silent and people rushed from the outside of the arena and they carried her away. I looked at Akali and she smiled and gave me a thumbs up.
At Dusk the same day.
"So have you decided yet?" Akali asked me.
"Not entirely, I am choosing to be single for now." I replied.
Akali looked away for a brief second then back at me.
"You ok, Akali?" I asked.
"Yeah." She sighed
"I know this beach that's probably a 10 minute walk from here." I said trying to cheer her up. I knew what she was doing, I knew she had some what of a crush on me. So I went along with it. I liked her too. 
Chapter 3 out of ???? Done see you in the next one

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