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Kayn felt a conflicting sensation after he had that night with Irelia. He felt like he couldn't feel the same with Akali after Irelia. This sensation of feeling like he cheated on Akali that night to save thousands of lives peaked as Akali walked into their bedroom.
"Kayn baby, is everything alright?" Akali asked as she had done each day, hoping he would open up and tell her how he feels.
"Is it anything I am doing wrong?" Akali asked desperately trying to get answers.
Kayn would lay down hands on the back of his head and elbows facing out. Kayn sighed and started to speak:
"Akali... I feel really guilty about Irelia. I felt like I cheated on you and I just feel so guilty about it. Part of me still misses her and part of me wants to move on from her. I don't know what to do." Kayn replied as he leaned his head on her shoulder and one hand around her waist. Akali took a minute to take it all in then responded to Kayn's concerns with:
"Sheida, I understand your concerns with how you feel about the whole Irelia ordeal, it was my idea for you to go confront her in the first place. But think about it like this, if you didn't go, all of those innocent people in the Placidium would have been dead. You did the correct thing. As for not moving on from Irelia, I completely understand. Maybe if she gets better mentally I can maybe accept her in a three way relationship with me and you." Akali stated to Kayn.
Kayn relaxed at her words but not until. "If it's not with Irelia, then we got some problems."
"That won't happen Akali." Kayn reassured her.
"That is good to hear baby." Akali then replied.
Kayn walked to Akali and hugged her tightly.
Akali squirmed and smiled at Kayn.
Kayn smiled devilishly as he usually does.
But that devilish smile, is what really made Akali fall so hard and far from grace for Kayn.
Kayn never expected this but what would Zed think of this, what would the order think? He didn't and wouldn't worry about that now, all Kayn wanted was someone who treated me as a human being, and that was Akali. 

It's been a long time coming

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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