Oh, my, WORD!

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Pls plz plz comment, plz :D

OMG, thanks so much, for whoever voted


I mentally mop up my heart, and quickly float into the class room. All eyes are on us, except the teachers. Mr. Masgroy, at least that is what my schedule says. He turns his head, in the direction in which his bored looking students are looking. " May I help you?" he asks.

Elliot walks over to him, and hands him the note, they both look at me expectantly, and glance at the note in my hand. I mentally slap myself, and then hand over the note. Man, I am really mental today. He reads over my note quickly, and then tells us to take our seats.

45 minutes later, the bell rings. I gather my things, and as I start towards the door, I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to see who it is. Elliot. " Hi," oh great, here we go again.

" Hi," Elliot just stands there a few more seconds, and then I glance down at my arm, where his hand still is. He slowly pulls it away, as soon as he realizes this. " Um, I was wondering if I could meet up with you after school today."

OMG! Talk, Eva, talk." That wo-- would be fine, I guess,"

" Great, see you then." Elliot says. By the time I am able to move, other kids are already filling in the room, for the next class.

Still shocked from the day's beginning, my classes go by in a blur. Not soon enough, it's lunch. Time for Kelsey.


"He did WHAT!?!?!" I had just made the mistake of telling Kelsey of my encounters with Elliot. Not a good idea, considering we're in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Shush! Somebody'll hear you." obviously people over hearing our conversation was the least of her worries, especially when she continued to shout/whisper, which is pretty much impossible.

" Oh, my, WORD! Why didn't you tell me," Kelsey said to me.

" I just did,"

" Sooner, I mean,"

" Well, I wasn't just going to barge in on whatever class you were in."

" Why not?" Kelsey said in the most girlish voice ever.

" You know what, I should just not tell you anything anymore,"

" Good luck with that, especially with that date of yours with Elliot after school today," the way she said it, and with this huge cocky grin on her face, I just could't stop myself from agreeing to that bet.

"Fine, five bucks says I won't say anything to you afterwards. And for the hundredth time...IT'S NOT A DATE!!!!


Thanks again for thoughs who voted! :D

P.S. Please comment ( I know, I'm probably getting annoying asking you to comment every update, sorry)

P.P.S. (If you just commented, I wouldn't have to ask you every time)sorry, I'm getting obsessive. Not cool

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