The meadow confession

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In front of me was a vast piece a land. The meadow seemed so big and open, but I knew it wasn't, because I could see the other side of the forest. In the middle stood a proud looking weeping willow. It's vines swaying in the wind, along with me from the breathe taking beauty of the whole thing.

When Elliots words registered, I turned to him, and noticed that our fingers were still inter wined.

"What are you smiling about?" Elliot asked. He still didn't know what he did to me.

"What am I not smiling about. This place is gorgeous," I said looking around yet again. "How long have you known this was here?" I asked Elliot.

"About a month now, I guess," he said.

"And you didn't tell anyone?"

"Who was there to tell?" The look on Elliots face was regretful for the second time tonight. The look was so out of place on his face. I just wanted to reach up and wipe it off.

"Well there is Tyler, Marcus, Cici, Cindy--"

" Let me word that diffently, there was no one I wanted to tell. Except you."Elliot looked sheepishly towards the ground. " I don't know what happened; one day I had these amazing friends who would run and tell someone when I got hurt, and then the next day, I was surrounded by the 'popular' people' who just laughed and pointed if I got hurt."

"Elliot, I don't know what to say--"

" no, you don't have to say anything. I don't know why I just unloaded on you like that, you're just so easy to talk to I guess," Elliot said in a rush. "besides, that was a bit heavy for a fist date, just forget I said anything."

" I guess, if that's what you want."

" Are you hungry?" Elliot asked.

" A little," I answered shyly. The quick subject change caught me off guard.

" okay, let's eat under the willow then."

" when did you get that picnic basket?" I said when I saw what Elliot was holding.

"Um, I've had it the whole time," he said smiling once again. " where have you been?"


Okay this is taking a lot longer then I thought it would. I ll try to speed things up in the next chapter. Please comment :/

What do you think of elliot now?

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