my smile

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Sorry for the long wait, I planned on uploading yesterday, but the site was down :(

But it's fixed now :D


We talked about a few minor things, that Elliot felt he should know about me. Like what my favorite things are, and in return I asked what his favorite things were, even though I knew most of those answers already.

By the time we finished eating and talking, it was a little past nine. The only light left outside was from the moon and stars, that lit up the sky. It was getting even colder out now, and I hugged myself, to keep all of my body heat in.

Elliot most have noticed my shivering, because he then said, " Wow it's really late, I didn't even notice how cold it was getting, here, have my jacket." He proceeded to slip his jacket off, and place it gingerly around my shoulders.

"Thanks," I said.

"I should probably get you home, there could be animals starting to come out now."

"ANIMALS!" I half whispered half shouted at him, bolting upright.

"Evangeline, we are kind of in the middle of a forest," Elliot said.

"Oh, right,"


Once again, we stood on my porch step. I could see a light on in my parents bedroom, and assumed they were waiting for me.

I slipped my hand in my pocket, and slowly pulled out my keys to the house, not wanting the night to end just yet.

"I had a wonderful time tonight,"

"I did too, hopefully we could do it again, next Friday?"

I was surprised that Elliot resulted in asking me out again, when our first date had yet to end.

"Of course, " I said smiling " Good night Elliot."

Before I could turn around and unlock the door, Elliot quickly leaned in, and kissed me on the cheek.

My cheek felt like it was on fire from were his lips had touched. I could still feel the lingering ghost of the kiss.

"Goodnight Evangeline," and with that, Elliot left me smiling like an idiot.

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