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oh well, I'll just write this one now cuz I feel like it. :)


*****Eva's POV*****

I sighed deeply as I hugged my pillow closer to my chest. I didn't want to get up just yet. I was still scared that everything with Elliot had been a dream. I rolled onto my back and slowly opened my eyes. I stared at the ceiling and then felt movement next to me and looked over to see Kelsey just looking at me.

" You snore," she said.

"I know," I said back, "You tell me every time we have a sleep over."

Kelsey just continued to stare at me and then her face broke into a wide smile. "Wanna get some breakfast? Your mom is making pancakes."

I laughed "Sure" I lazily rolled out of bed and stretched trying to wake myself up.

" And then after can we go to the mall?" Kelsey asked.

"But we went last weekend," I whined.

"Pwetty pwease? With a chocolate covered cherry on top? And sprinkles? With hot fudge drizzled--"

"fine fine fine, we can go, but we are not spending all day there." it was just easier to cut her off now, Kelsey could go on for hours talking about stuff to sugar coat her 'please' with.

"Yay. I knew you couldn't resist the puppy dog face," she smiled "now let's go get pancakes before Tommy and your dad eats them all." Tommy is my twelve year old brother.


After breakfast we raced up stairs and changed into clothes for the mall. When we were both dressed and ready to leave I grabbed a few bucks and then we started the walk to the mall.

"This is lame," Kelsey said. "Why couldn't your dad give us a ride? We should have cars by now, then we wouldn't have to walk everywhere."

"Kelsey it's not like we're hiking to a far away place. The mall is literally just a few blocks away."

"But the wind is going to ruin my hair"

"Oh stop your whining Kelsey, it could be worse."

"How could it be worse? We are two 17 year old girls walking to the mall. 17. It was ok when we were younger but now we are 17."

By the time she was done ranting about not having a car we had reached the mall entrance. We entered through the JC Penny doors and just wandered aimlessly for a while.

"I need new bras." Kelsey said and we headed toward that section.

We were browsing around when she started talking again. "So seriously Eva, what else happened yesterday?"

****Elliot's POV****

I lazily sat up in bed and looked at the clock. 10:23. Just when I stood up I heard my mom calling up the stairs "Elli, honey you better be up, breakfast is getting cold, and we have to leave soon!"

"I'm up I'm up! Don't call me Elli you know I hate that mom!" I hopped in the shower and then got dressed, all the while trying to think of where we had to go.

When I was done getting ready I walked out of my room and headed towards the stairs. I sat on the banister and quickly slid down it.

"MOOOOOMM ELLIOT RODE DOWN THE STAIRS AGAIN!!!!!!!" my twelve year old sister screamed at the bottom of the stairs next to where I landed. I rolled my eyes and quickly kissed her on the fore head as I messed up her hair.

"Good morning to you to Mel."

"Ew gross, you got your slobber on me." she said wiping her fore head with her sleeve.

"Melissia honey, no yelling in the house. Elliot what did I tell you about using the banister as a slide. I dont want it breaking again, and it's dangerous."

"Yeah uh huh. Where are we going?" I asked grabbing a piece of toast off of the plate in the middle of the table.

"The mall" my mom told me laying out more food in front of my sister and I .

"What? Can I stay home? "

"No, my car is in the shop, and you know I can't walk any where with Molly." mom said. "oh, Molly!" she raced upstairs and came back down a few minutes later with my other sister who is five.

When Molly saw me she reached her arms out to me "Elli!! "

I sighed " Molly please don't call me that," I grabbed her from my mom and sat her on my lap. She picked up my half eaten piece of toast and started to eat it. She smiled at me with her mouth full, I smiled back and kissed her cheek. Call me a softie but I loved my little sisters.

"What do we need from the mall that is so urgent?" I asked, still against the idea of going.

"Your sister needs new bras."

"MOM!" Melissa yelled, a blush spreading up her cheeks.

"What honey, it's just your brother, and no yelling."

She huffed in her seat and quickly finished her breakfast and then excused herself to finish getting ready.

Once we were ready to go, we all headed to my car. "Why can't I just show you how to drive my car? Mom seriously this is ridiculous."

"I wouldn't drive it anyway honey. It's too techy for me, there are too many knobs."

I just laughed and started the car.


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Hope you liked this chapter. I had fun introducing the new characters and now you know a tiny bit more about Elli :) can you guess what is going to happen next? :)

Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2011 ⏰

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