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"It'll be fine" I kept repeating to myself on my way to Ruby's.

"It will be" Nani said reassuring me "they love you and this ain't going to change that".

"It is though I've been hiding this from them for years how do I excuse that?" I asked her

"you were scared flaca, you were a 11 year old girl suddenly learning that her whole life was basically a lie and she didn't even know her parents thats not something you just go around telling everyone" she said "you don't owe anyone an explanation so just tell them as much as you feel comfortable with" she added as you we stood on the porch of Ruby's house.

"Come in" Ruby said looking around before pulling us in.

It's already happening they have to be careful who sees us together and I can't even be offended its for their own safety because right now all I am is the girl who was riding with a Prophet.

"I know you guys probably have questions and I'll answer them but right now I just want to explain myself" I said

"I really don't have any" Olivia said "it's not my business and I feel like it's really none of our business" she added looking at Jamal.

"I actually do have a few" Jasmine said excitedly

"Of course you do nosey" Jamal said "but anyway go ahead y/n"

"I'm just going to sum it up because I really don't feel like explaining my 'parents' fucked up relationship. My birth giver is Latrelle's mom and as we all know she was not the best and she didn't keep such good company. So she pawned me off on my dad Ricardo Galindo" I said waiting for them to process the name I just mentioned

"Lil Ricky!!" Jamal exclaimed "you're the Santos baby the one Chivo was talking about"

"La mariposa" Ruby said "a signal of hope for a better life for a man who didn't think he derserved it"

"'Mi mariposita la única cosa que me hace creer que Dios nunca me dejo' [my little butterfly the only thing that makes me believe God never left me] he always said that I his biggest gift one he didn't feel he deserved. My dad wasnt a bad person he wanted to do good but somewhere along the way things got messy and he died because of it. So yes my brother is a prophet but I'm not. I never had to pick a side because I know who my family is and my loyalty is with them not some gang. I'm not a Santos or a Prophet but I will fight against both to protect my family I won't have them be targeted because of who my parents are and that's exactly why I'm back to protect you guys. To protect my family" I said

"When exactly were we in danger?" Jamal asked nervously

"Oh yea you guys had a price on your head" Jasmine said calmly "I didn't wanna say anything cause I didn't want you all freaking out and then it just disappeared so I didn't see why y'all had to know"

"I feel like we should've known if we were at risk of being murdered!" Ruby exclaimed "but, I understand why you didn't say anything" he added a bit more calmly

"Thank you and also do not blame my sisters for anything I chose to keep these things secrets they really didn't have a choice" I explained

"Oh we know you can be very..aggressive when you want to be" Ruby said

"First of all that's not true and secondly it might be a little true" I laughed. Nani was right I thought to myself this isn't gonna change anything because they're my family and this is where I belong.

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