𝑖𝑖,𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘

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As I watch my sister walk away I say bye to Nani and Jas and make my way to class. I walk down the main hall to economics when I see some boy drop all his stuff. Everybody just kept walking stepping all his things I felt bad so I left my thing in my class and come back out to see if he needs help. When I come back he's kneeling on the floor picking up all his papers and other supplies. I started helping him and when I had gathered the rest of his things I stood up to hand it to him and immediately I recognize him. It was Jamal i looked down so fast but by that time
It had already registered. "y/n?" He asked. No? I said thinking maybe If I denied it he would believe me. It didn't work he's stupid but he's not dumb. "Y/N!" He said again this time is with way more excitement in his voice. Heyy j i said.

Jamal P.O.V
"Heyy j" she says while awkwardly waving. I thought you were gone for good. "Yup" she says "so did I but sadly that is not the case". I cant wait to tell the others there gonna be pumped. "Umm no no they won't because your not gonna tell them." Why not? I ask. "Because" she says "do you not remember how things ended?". Well yea but..."No Jamal no buts im not telling them im back and neither are you. I know you're shit at keeping secrets but you're gonna try harder with this one cause it's not my secret to tell Nani and angel are here too and I don't think they want them knowing either so just please don't say anything."She says walking away. Well shit I say to myself how am I supposed to do this. I walk into my class I had geometry with Cesar and Ruby this was definitely gonna be hard. I take my seat and immediately ruby asks "what took you so long?" I dropped my stuff outside I had to pick it up.. "oh ok." He says turning away ok now I just have to get through this class and not say anything and then the whole day, then the week, the month, the year, my life oh my god I can't do this! I thought to myself. Ms? May i hi to the nurses office? As soon as she said yes I got my things and ran outta there. I'm gonna go crazy I thought. How am I supposed to keep this secret? I have to tell somebody, anybody? Just then I spotted the janitor. Hey you! I said y/ns back her whole families back I said as I sighed in relief I finally made it to the nurses office and even though I wasn't freaking out I didn't feel like going back to class so I told her I had a stomachache and she let me nap in the sleep room.

I walked into class and took my seat. A sew minutes into the teacher explaining the lesson the principal walks in with Nani. He start talking to the teacher and even I think he thought he was whispering the whole class heard. I guess they messed up her schedule and sent her too the wrong class. Once they got it figured at she sat in the only available seat which just happened to be in front of me. Ms. T continued with her lecture and then proceeded to assign a project on the first day. We had to partner up but there was an odd number so we got stuck in a trio with the girl in front of Nani. "Hi" she said "my names Olivia." "Hi Olivia I'm Amairani this is my sister-." Flaca I interrupted. I'd seen this girl around Jamal and them earlier didn't need her talking and letting them know we were here. "Well since we don't have much time left in class how bout we meet up after school. My house?" She said. Nani just looked at me unsure about what to answer. Sure I said but I might be a little late I have to stop somewhere first if that's ok. "Oh no that's totally fine we'll just meet you there. From what I can see by your schedule." She told Nani looking at the paper on her desk "we have last period together art with Ledesma." She added. "Oh really that's nice so I guess I can just walk with you after right?"  Nani asked. "Yea forsure" Olivia responded. We talked for the rest of class about nothing in particular she seemed sweet her Spanish was kind of janky though. When the bell finally rang we all went our separate ways I had to go upstairs for my music class and I saw Angel in the hall and stopped to talk to her for a bit. "I'm bouta leave i don't have any more classes till 7th." She said. Oh really ok but I just wanted to tell you we're not gonna ride home with you today I have to go to that meeting that your dumbass can't go to because of "business" and then I have to work on a project w Nani and some girl. So we have to go to her house Nani's gonna with with her aftern school so yea we'll just see you at home. I said she just nodded and we both walked away. The rest of the school day was pretty boring and went by pretty fast probably because I was dreading the meeting I had to attend after school.

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