𝑖𝑖𝑖, 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡

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Amairani P.O.V
As I walk out of my last class with Olivia I see my sister. Flaca i called out she saw and walked over. I'm about to leave with Olivia are you sure you don't need me to go with you? I asked her. "It's fine I can handle it by myself. Ima big girl." She says laughing. Ok well if anything text me I tell her as we start to walk away. "But send me the address don't want to get lost." She says as she walks in the direction of the Diaz house. I hope he's not there I believe in my sister I do but I know there's just some things she can't handle and he seems to be one of them. Cesar Diaz was always my sister weakness he seemed to be the one thing that could make or break her and he's broken her one too many times already.

Nani has offered to come with me but I know she hates doing this type of stuff. Out of us three I think she's the one that had the best chance of getting out. Angel fell in love with the game and the people who run it. I just want to carry on my fathers name i was born into this, but Nani she's different she wants better she deserves better and I'm not gonna be the one to fuck it up by bringing her deeper into this then she has to be. I'm gonna make sure she has a better life its what mami wanted and it's the least I can do for her. When I finally got to the house I couldn't bring myself to knock I just stood at the door. I was like that for a couple of minutes before I finally knocked and immediately he opened the door. He looked a bit confused not only was I not who he was expecting but I didn't really look like the little girl he knew me as.

Oscar P.O.V
I had been preparing for the meeting all day. I knew it couldn't be any good news they would only come back if it was bad. So for them to have completely moved back down here it must be serious. I heard someone knock at the door and immediately open it. I see a girl standing there and not the one I was expecting she seemed familiar but I couldn't figure it out. Before I could even say anything she said "angel couldn't make it so I'm here" she says looking up at me. I knew exactly who it was then. Y/N i said come in we have a lot to discuss. We walked back to the kitchen and sit at the table. Why are you guys here? I ask. "What can I say we missed home" she says giving me a fake smile. If you're gonna lie at least make it believable. I tell her. "Pues qué pedo que no puedo extrañar a mi casa i mean i grew up here. We just wanted to come back you know check up on everybody." She says trying to convince me. You're lying whenever you want a personal meeting it's never good, and the thing is you didn't come to me as a member of The Santos you came to me as someone you used to care for someone close to your family so i have a right to know if I have to watch out I told her. "Don't you always have watch out isn't that part of being in a gang." She said. Stop acting smart and tell me why you're here. "Fine you wanna know so bad they put a price on you, and your brother and anyone who was ever close to me cause that's what I do to the people I love I put them in danger and that's exactly why I left in the first place and now it's why I'm back I couldn't save my mom but I'm gonna let the same thing happen to you guys" she says "I fixed it I promise. I need to go I'm sorry" she added running out.

Cesar P.O.V
I was walking to my house when I saw this girl from my school running out. Right away that was a red flag I ran inside and Oscar was there sitting at the table. What happened?! I asked him why did that girl run out of here? "No hice nada she's fine." He said. She better be you can't go around causing problems. "Don't worry about it mano." He responded. Fine I say walking Into my room.

As I walk up to the address my sister sent me i realize something. This is Ruby's house. Shit I say to myself. You know what maybe they moved they probably don't even live here anymore. I try to convince myself that it's true as I force myself to knock on the door. Then I see Jamal and Monse walking towards the house. Great i think to myself and finally Olivia opens the door."Come in" she says. Oh yea sorry I say walking in. She leads me to her room where my sister is waiting for me. As I walk down the hall I notice the house is plastered in pictures of ruby and his family. Great I say to myself just great. I can't help but wonder what I did to make the universe hate me.

Amairani P.O.V
My sister walks in and immediately glares at me she walks over and sits next to me as she whispers "You knew this was Ruby's house didn't you." How could I possibly know that you met her before I did you agreed to go to her house so if anything this is on you I whisper-yell at her. Even if i did your gonna have to talk to them eventually I add. I might not actually I saw Jamal today he barely recognized me so they probably won't if im lucky"she says with a proud smile. She really did not want to have to talk to these kids and I mean I understand why but you'd think she'd just be mad at them two but no she's angry at everyone. You still care about them you still care about HIM I mean you made us move back just so you could make sure he was safe I tell her. "Whatever lets move this along I don't want to be here any longer that necessary" she say. Just as she said that Jamal popped In and says Olivia Mrs.Martinez says she wants to meet your new friends. "Ok we'll be right out" she say as she turns to look at us "Do you guys mind?" No I say "yes" my sister mumbles. Shut up I tell her punching her on her side.

I walk out of the room and into the living room following closely behind Olivia and Nani. As I enter the living room I see Ruby, Cesar, Jamal, and Monse all gathered around in the kitchen. I hear Ruby say what did you want to tell us Jamal which worries me considering what he knows. Before anything else happens I hear Olivia start to Introduce us. Little did she know Mrs. Martinez had known us since we were little. "Girls?" She says "Hi" we say in unision. Could this get any worse I thought to myself. "I thought you left después de lo qué pasó con su mami, que en paz descanse." she continues " We did but we're back now" I say. "We're home." Nani added. That's great" she says as she hugs us "Ruby still talks about you guy all the time" she says "especially you." She adds looking at Nani. "I cant believe he didn't tell me you were back" she says. That's because he doesn't exactly know i say. We haven't told him. "¿Y porque no?" She asks. Things didn't end on good terms but we will tell him eventually I say trying to put her off from tell them I was clearly unsuccessful. "No not eventually now." She says calling him over. No! I say but it was too late he was already there and that was my queue to go so i ran which I believe is what I do best.

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