𝑖𝑥,𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛

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As my sisters get home right away they ask what happened and i explain it to them. "What are you gonna do?" Nani asks "Get over him" I say "there's this new boy at school who asked me out im gonna say yes." I add "Wait its not.." Nani says as I interrupt "yes it's Alex." I say with a small smile on my face "Who the fuck is Alex?" Angel asks. "This new boy that Cesar just happens to hate." Nani says. "That my dear sister is just an added bonus. I mean he seems nice enough and he's smart. Plus hes not ugly I mean look."

(face claim: Christopher Romero)

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(face claim: Christopher Romero)

"You already looked through his social media!?" Nani says. " No I say I took the picture. Of course I went through his social media." I say "That's my girl!" Angel says laughing. "But what about Cesar?" Nani asks. What about him he's with Monse I say. Anyway it's decided goodnight. I say going to my room.

Angel P.O.V
"I think we should all head up its late." I tell Nani  "Yea" Nani says. "But Nani do me a favor I know you guys have alot of classes together so watch out for her. I don't Think she could handle anymore heartbreak or sadness at this point." I say genuinely concerned for my sister. "Yea for sure im on it." She says as she heads to her bedroom

Amairani P.O.V
I walk into my sisters room and she's on her phone texting. "Who are you texting" I ask as i throw myself on the bed next to her. "Alex." she says "Were going on a date tomorrow." she says smiling. "How do you think he's gonna react to you using him." "Technically im not using him and anyway that's my business so bud out nosey." "ok whatever" I say walking out.

Authors note
I've been rewriting this whole story and I made some chapters longer but I have no idea for this one so sorry that it's short also y'all are fake asf for voting for this shitty story really had me thinking I was an author😭

𝐴𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 | 𝑂𝑛 𝑀𝑦 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘Where stories live. Discover now