𝑥𝑖,𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑡2

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Ruby P.O.V
Wait really? I ask genuinely confused. You don't have to lie just to protect my feelings I could handle it. Well probably not but I mean I'd get over it eventually. Probably? Right? "Ruby!" She says "your doing it again" I'm sorry. "I'm not lying. I like you I genuinely like you and I have for awhile." Really? I ask. "Yes." She says. I'm not sure what to do now. This is not exactly how I thought this would go. Like none of the scenarios that I thought of ended like this and there was a lot believe me.

Amairani P.O.V
I think this is the part where you actually do something about it. I mean you told me your feelings but you never acted on them. " oh yea your right. Nani would you like to go out with me." Yes ruby i would. I say smiling.

  I'm with Alex right now and he's really nice which makes me feel bad about what I'm doing. Even though I would never tell my sisters that I do think I'm using him. But that's not like me I'm not selfish but I'm always like this when it comes to him. I hate it but yet I can never stop it. I try to act like I could care less about him but I've been watching him from the corner of my eye the entire time we've been here and I hate myself for it but I'm moving on...right?

Angel P.O.V
After awhile of talking to Mario I hear a car pull up outside the gate. Even though I can't see the car I know exactly who it is. My assumption is only confirmed when I see Cesar leave. He comes back in and comes straight for me. My brothers calling you he says. Ok thanks I say. "You better go." Mario says. I'm good I reply. "I won't be if he thinks I'm why you didn't go talk to him so go for my well being." He says laughing even though he knows he's right. Fine I say but if I'm not back in ten minutes send my sister. He nods as I walk away. As I close the gate I turn to see Oscar there. Yes? I say. Did you need something? What I can't just want to see you? He responds. I mean that was ok when we were dating but even though I know it's hard for you to process we're not, not anymore. So unless your here to talk business I don't have anything to talk to you about. I say. "Im here to talk about why you left. Why you ran away from me, from us." He says I can see the hurt in his eyes as he speaks. I left because of my sister you know that already. "That's not true you would have never left because of that. You would have made her stay and fight cause you know how strong she is. You never would have left unless you were running from something too. I just want too know what I have a right to that." You lost any right you had when we broke up! And if we want to technical about It you left me. In case you don't remember you walked out on us i begged you not too I told you to think about your brother and i gave you a choice me or them and you left so don't say I ran from us because i didn't get into a relationship with someone you were gone and i had to figure out a way to deal with it! I say starting to get a little irritated. Who does he think he is saying he has a right to know. He didn't seem to care when it happened so why now all of a sudden. If your done i have to go back in i promised the twins I'd help them open their presents. I say walking away. I couldn't help but feel bad cause yes he didn't have any right to know why I left I should've told him when it happened but he wouldn't have been able to handle it he was locked up and I was out here what good would it have done for him to know what happened.

Cesar P.O.V
After awhile Alex leaves and I see my chance to talk to her alone. Y/N i say. She turns to look at me "what?" She asks. ¿Y ese pendejo que? I ask. El único pendejo aquí eres tú. She says damn it's like that I say. "Yea it's like that." She says. So is that your man now I say. "You say it like you were my man ever?" She says laughing. "And no it's just one date but maybe it'll turn into more" She says. Just as I'm about to reply ruby comes to tell us it time to sing. We walk to the dining room where the twins are already seated at the table surrounded by family and friends. In the middle of singing I hear a couple cars pull up out side. Then I hear yelling.

It's the Prophet$. Just as everybody else starts to realize they start to put the kids in the room at the back. I can hear the fear in their voices as the assure them that everything is gonna be ok. I look over at Cesar and he has that look on his face. He's gonna do something stupid and of course I was right he walks out. Fuck! I say to myself me walking out and Angel follows. "Your on the wrong side of town Latrelle. This is santos territory. You do something here you never make it home tonight." Cesar says. "Who says I want to make it home if I die knowing I took you with me it would be worth it" he says. This is gonna go from bad to worse if I don't step in now. I walk out of the house. Trelle what are you doing here. Prophet$ aren't allowed here you know that i tell him. "I came for you" he says. "Come with me and no one gets hurt." You brought all these guys out here for me I say. "Well everyone knows lil spooky here." He says gesturing at Cesar "has a thing for you. So I expected a bit of resistance." He says. Well you won't be getting any. Tell your guys to go and I'll come with you. "Flaca no!" Angel says from behind me. I have to there's people in there I won't let them get hurt if I can do something to stop it.  I say. "Ok" he says as he gestures to his friends to leave and they do they get in their cars and drive off. When there far enough down the road I start walking towards Latrelle. "No!" Cesar says as he grabs my arm. I have too i say as I remove my arm from his grasp. I get in the car and Latrelle drives off.

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