𝑖, 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠

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I woke up as I heard my older sister screaming from down stairs "Y/N you better get you ass up now!!" Im up I yelled in response ahh sisterly love i thought to myself getting up to walk into the restroom. As I closed the door behind me I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't think I was nervous but now it's all hitting me I'm about to see these kids for the first time in over a year. What are they gonna say. Did they even care that I left? I had to stop myself before I spiraled and got too much into my own head. Which is something I do often. Who cares I told myself Fuck them and what they think about me. I reassured myself that everything would be fine and got into the shower. I had to quick can't be late for the first day of school.

Amairani P.O.V
I woke up extra early today couldn't risk being late on my first day back. I know we didn't come home on the best terms but I'm happy to be here. Unlike my sisters I like to look on the bright side. I know it's hard for them and they both had there reason for leaving but maybe now that we're here we can fix that, and we can all be happy like we were before...when mami was here. I miss her I think about her everyday especially now that we're home none of us have been able to go into her room it's just how she left it. It's been hard on all of us but I know angel has been struggling the most she had to take responsibility for us or the state would've separated us, she hadn't even finished high school and she legally has two kids already. I shook my head to clear my mind of all my thoughts because they were getting very sad very fast. Oh well I said think positive I kept repeating as I put the finishing touches on my hair. Just as i put my last clip in angel came behind me "speed it up conejito we gotta go" she said smiling as she looked at me through the mirror. "You look just like her. Mami would be proud." She added. "Thank you she'd be proud of you too you're taking care of us even though you didn't have too I know she's so happy about that ." I told her. She just smiled as I turned towards her and she placed a kiss on my forehead just like my mom used to do. Then off she went down the hall to get flaca out the door cause we needed to go now if we wanted to be there one time.

Angel P.O.V
Flaca ya! I yelled as I walked into her room. She had just finished putting her shoes on when I opened the door. "I know damn I'm done already." She said clearly annoyed. Pues ya vámonos we're gonna be late and you know how Nani gets. I said as I walked out her room to the front door with her following closely being me. When I got outside Nani was already in the car clearly excited to go back to school.  Esta medio rara la chamaca but thats my baby sister so can't really say anything. We all got in the car and headed to school. Flaca i said you know I have that meeting today right? "Si no te vayas a perder en el camino, you little bf would be sad." She said laughing. Shut the fuck up I laughed you're so dumb dude it's not even like that I'm only going cause I have to, but what about you I know you're probably gonna have a class with baby Diaz. "Asco" she said the disgust evident in her face "lemme tell you right now ain't nobody concerned with his wack ass." Ok I said rolling my eyes what about you Nani we all know you been had a little thing with martinez. "Ruby?" She said "no not even, truly like honestly I could never see him like that." She added as she turned red. She was clearly lying but why embarrass her this early in the morning. Ok whatever you said I tell her as we pull into the parking lot. I parked the car and we all get off. I'll see y'all here after school. "Got it" they said in unison as they walk toward the courtyard I had AP English 1st period so I headed around the building towards the back. As I was walking I make eye contact with some boy he seemed so familiar but in the moment I couldn't place him. I didn't much of it and made my way to class.

Ruby P.O.V
I can't believe this. We had all agreed to meet in front of my house this had been the for the lady three week. We're barely in time why would he. It show up. "Well if you had listened to me when I said we had to leave without him twenty minutes ago we would have gotten here with more than enough time." Jamal said. "I mean he's kinda right..." Olivia added. "Who's side are you on here. You know what I don't care I have to go to the office if you see Cesar tell him to show up next time. I said as I walked away when I was walking towards to office I made eyes contact with some girl she reminded me so much of Angel my best friends but they moved away awhile ago I clearly got a but distracted because I ended up on the floor somehow. Ow I exclaimed as my head hit the floor. "Oh shit dude my bad." Cesar said reaching his hand out to try and help me up . Yea it is I said smacking his hand away we were almost cause we had to wait for you now you drop me thank you, you just seem to make my day so much better. I said rolling my eyes. "Damn I said my bad" he responded "plus you bumped into me. What were you even looking at anyway." He added as he followed my gaze to where the mystery girl once stood. Some girl, swear she reminded me of Angel. I said I know that sound crazy but I swear she looked exactly like her. "You're right that does sound crazy they moved along time ago I think you need to move on." He said clearly annoyed he never really liked talking about it. Oh well sorry I guess some of us weren't as quick to accept the fact that one of our lifelong friends just up and left without saying anything and the last thing she did tell us was that she wanted to do with us because we were fake as fuck. I said rolling my eyes and walking away. I love the kid like a brother but he can be so irritating.  The bell finally rang and it was time for first period. English class went by pretty quick then it was time for breakfast and like always I went to get my breakfast and then sat at our table with the squad. I will admit I did look around for the girl from earlier and I did find her at least I think it was her she had her back towards me and she was sitting with two other girls. I'll ask around about her see what people know.

Cesar P.O.V
As I was walking over to our table ruby was giving me dirty look. What now I said I already apologized for not meeting up with you guys. "And throwing me on the floor" he added obnoxiously. Yes that too but if you had stayed around earlier I could've explained myself. "Ok well do it know what was so important?" He asked. Well it's was Oscar he was preparing for some meeting with some guy named Angel. "Who's that?" Jamal asked. Not sure but he was acting all weird, nervous almost. Whoever it is they're bigger then Oscar. "No ones bigger then Oscar." Olivia said. Yea that's what I thought but if he's nervous then the rest of us should be too somethings happened and it can't be good. "Ok well I guess that's a good excuse anyway more important questions does anyone know who that girl is?" Ruby said point to some curly headed girl sitting across the courtyard with her back to us. No how are we su-. "You talking about lala or bunny?" Jasmin said cutting me off "there new here lalas a senior and bunnies a sophomore like us." She added. "First of all how do you know this?" Jamal said "and secondly why are you here?" Ruby added. "I know all the latest drama. Three new girl pop up of course I'm gonna need to know it all how else do you expect me to be their BFF?" Jasmin said. Three? I asked you only named two? "Oh yea the one next to them she new didn't catch her name though? Last names Cruz though? I think I couldn't really read the transcripts over Ms. bells shoulder that women's got a lot of hair."she responded. "Oh well thanks for the information you can go now though." Monse said. "Whatever once I become bffs with them you'll be begging for me back. Bye for now." Jasmine said blowing us a kiss as she walked away into the new girls direction.

Angel P.O.V
We were sitting on a bench in the courtyard during our breakfast period when all of a sudden I hear someone calling my name. "Lala!! Lala!" I hear it getting closer I turn around and see jasmin approaching us. "Who's that?" Flaca asks. That's jasmin I say waving at her. She a sophomore in my AP English class. She's super sweet but from what I hear doesn't have many friends. "Omg that's so sad." Nani says frowning "she seems so nice." When she finally gets to the table we all smile at her but immediately her eyes settle on y/n. "Hi." She tells her "I've heard about these two but nothing about you. I'm jasmin." She added putting her hand out to shake y/ns. "Hi jasmin" she responds shaking her hand "I'm y/n you can call me Flaka" she adds. "I like you" jas says "you seem feisty. I can work with that" she adds. "Thanks I guess" y/n says looking at me and Nani as we all just laugh. "I think we'll be good friends." Jasmin says "maybe I mean we could use a friend." Nani responds. We could use a few I add. "Well then I guess it's good that I know everyone. Most of them don't like me but that's beside the point. Anyway." She says "I feel like I've seen you around my block do you guys know chapo?" She asks. "Ughhh chapos annoying ass" y/n says "yea we know him. Se cree muy muy el güey nomas porque le dicen chapo se cree el Guzmán." Nani added laughing. No but deadass dude he's mad annoying he swears he's the shit. I said. Jasmine just laughed "yup you do know him then" she said. Actually I was about to bring him up..."why?" y/n said already hating what I was gonna say. You know that meeting I had later today "Yea...." well I'm not gonna be able make it I have to go- "handle some business" she said annoyed. With chapo Yea but I mean you have a good rep with "him"maybe not his brother but with him so I feel like it'd go better between you two anyway. I said "tell yourself whatever makes you feel better but just know if it all goes horribly wrong it's completely your fault." y/n said. Sorry kid but I gotta do what I gotta do I said shrugging "yea wel—" *ring* *ring* the bell rang cutting her off. Gotta go to class sorry bye I said walking away as quickly as possible.

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