I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!

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I sigh, and look at my Marcy. She's a really clingy sleeper, and now I can't get up to go to the bathroom.  I'm told I sleep like a log, and I imagine together we sleep like a koala clinging to a tree.

"Hey, Bonnie..." she says groggily, opening her eyes. "You slept in."

"Really? Huh." Normally I'm an early bird.

"Yeah, it's nearly eleven."

"WHAT?!" I jump out of bed and hurriedly throw some clothes on. My rock shirt won't work so I need to raid Marceline's wardrobe. A red jacket's the best I can do.

"What's the rush, sugar-cheeks?" Marceline floats downstairs to whip up some breakfast. I doubt she cares that she's in nothing but some underwear and a t-shirt, but I chuck her a jacket and shorts just in case Simon surprises us again. 

"I have a meeting with Ooo royalty today to talk about the amount of hate my hate-detector has detected. And it's in FIVE MINUTES! Oh Glob oh Glob oh Glob." I say, seizing my bag and glasses from the sofa and preparing to call my royal swan.

"Hey, calm down, it'll be ok." Marcy hugs me from behind, "You can ride me! I'll be ten times quicker!"

"Are you sure?"


Handing me her parasol, she transforms into a black swan, her ax-bass swinging from her now-majestic neck. I climb on and she launches herself into the sky.

"So what kind of hate are we talking about?" She shouts over the wind.

"Something big. I've never experienced anything like it in the entire history of Ooo, not even when the candy people revolted against that fraud, King of Ooo." I answer.

"What stuff do you encounter on that hate-machine?"

"Oh, the usual. Fights over board games, Finn's fan base arguing over who knows the most about him (one dude knew every colour of his underwear)-"

"Wait, what?"

"I don't kn- oh, down there!"

Marceline dives, landing on lush green grass outside the Royal Ooo Meeting Hall. I slid down her neck and she becomes herself.

"Goodluck, my princess." She curtsies.

"Oh my glob, M, you don't have any shorts on!"

"Oh geez!" She gives my a peck on the cheek then becomes a bat before flying back to her cave. I watch until all I can see is a parasol-like blob in the distance before heading through the doors of the Hall.

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