Science Talk

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"The people of Ooo," I explain, "Have very simple minds. Not simple, like dumb," I correct, blushing, "Simple as in easy to understand. Every time they learn a skill, a molecule grows in the upper right segment. Every time they make a memory, a molecule grows in the upper left segment. Every time they decide to despise something or someone, a molecule grows in the lower right segment. The lower left segment is for positive relationships. This goo is actually very high-tech technology. Basically, it injects itself into the bloodstream and heads for the brain. It locates the lower left segment and scans for mentions of Marcy. If it find some, it latches onto the brain and sends a signal to the core. Like, the mother part of the goo, where it gets all of its instructions. If it doesn't detect any happy Marcy thoughts it lets go and propels itself out of the brain."

"Riiiiiiiiiight..." Marcy says, "So why do I have this pad?" I hooked Marceline and Jake's lower left segment up using noodle-pads, Jake's attached to a screen and Marcy's to the jar of goo I collected.

Not answering per se, I say, "Ok, Marcy, talk about your axe-bass."

", I got it from my dad. I play with in it the Scream Queens-WOAH!" The goo in my jar started jumping up and down, enraged.

"See? When you mentioned the Scream Queens, it recognized that it was you. Now..." I blushed, "Talk about me."

"Oh. Ummm... I love you, Bonnie, because you're smart and cute and..." Marcy trailed off, embarrassed, but it was all I needed. The goo started throwing itself against the glass, snarling and howling.

"It did that because you were describing me as a girlfriend, which is what it hates most about you," I am really blushing now, "Now Jake." It seems cruel, but I've put him in a paralyze trance, so his thoughts and feelings are still there but he can't move to express them at the moment. This is simply for our own safety. "Ok, so BMO is cute. She's a super good game console and she likes being both genders, which is ok. She is super good at fighting off bad guys and she is the best MO." Though we see no reaction from Jake himself, the screen displaying his brains flashes red in one particular area; the lower left segment.

"Wait, how does that work? I thought that part was for good relationships." Marcy asks.

"It is. Usually. But I think because he's magical his noodle is jiggled around, so that part is actually the negative relationships part. So, my hypothesis is that the goo is instructed to target the lower left segment to tamper with good thoughts towards you, Marcy. But it got confused when it reached Jake, which gave him the fever. It tried to re-write the instructions itself but got confused and made him hate BMO instead of you."

"But why didn't it just let go of Jake when it didn't find any Marcy-related thoughts? Cuz that part is negative." Marceline asks.

"Jake actually does have some bad memories of you," I say bashfully. Zooming in on the lower left segment, I play a scene from Jake's memories of Marceline pretending to bite him.

"Oh." Marcy says, "But wait, I can't turn into that! At the time I was a monster, not a dragon!"

"I know, but he's re-written the memory because he was more scared than the memory would show."


"I'm back, yo!" Finn enters, holding BMO. She shudders when she sees Jake and dives into Finn's backpack. 

"I don't like Jake anymore!" She cries. Though Jake doesn't move, his brain monitor goes bonkers, red sparks shooting off in every direction from the lower left segment.

"See?" I say, handing Finn an antidote.

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