Love Rivals

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I get back to my chambers just as dusk approaches. BMO runs up to Marcy and hugs her leg.

"Oh, hey there!" She says, picking her up, "How are you, madam?"

"I am great, Auntie Marcy!" BMO replies, wiggling her legs in the air.

"Auntie Marcy?" Marcy raises one eyebrow at me. I shrug, sitting on the windowsill, enjoying the golden rays of the setting sun. Marcy joins me, pulling her hat low over her face and keeping a tight grip on BMO.

"Why're you calling me that?" She asks.

"Finn tells me to call you guys Aunties because he sees you like sisters," Me and Marcy share a half-amused, half-sweetened look, before BMO adds, "Also, you will be married soon!"

"WHAT?!" Me and Marcy say at the same time, the latter actually falling out of the window. BMO giggles.

"At least, that is what Finn says."

"Really?" Marceline says, amused.


We set up a bed for BMO, some cushions next to charging port. When I ask Marcy where she wants to sleep, she winks ans says "Wherever you are." BMO giggles.

I wake up at around three AM. The full moon is dipping behind the candy houses, silhouetting Marceline, her long hair blowing gently in the night air. 

"Hey, Marcy," I say, kissing her head and sitting next to her, dangling my legs over the edge of the windowsill. "What're you doing?"

"'s just...My whole life, I'v been hated by people who've never spoken to me, never seen me, never met me. Just because of the Vampire King. And even before that! It took me ages to earn Two-Bread Tom's trust. Then I had to push him and his daughter away. Then I met Simon! But the crown got him. I worry, Bonnie, for you and Finn and Jake, and even that little robot," she says, gesturing to the snoring game console, "Like, maybe I'm a curse? A curse to whoever is stupid enough to love me!" Marcy sighs.

"You are not a curse." I say, standing up, "You are a vampire. My vampire." I give her my hand and she sands up, wobbly on her feet. I catch her and we fall into each other, washing away the bad thoughts, if only for a second, in the other's arms.

"Hey," Marcy says abruptly, "Do you think Susan Strong is hot?"

"What?" I laugh, "No! But I caught you checking her out that day on the beach. You know who I think is hot?"


"Betty. Like, I know it's super wrong and all, but she's actually our age. And that nerdy stuff appeals to me."

"Wow. Ok then. You do you."

We laugh and climb back into bed.

The next day, I task Marcy with entertaining BMO while I work on who, or what, wants to kill her. That's all I have; some entity out there hates my girlfriend so much they want her dead.


I run some diagnostics, and it's as I feared.

"Marcy!" I say, pulling her into my lab, "I need to inspect your donk."

"Why?" She asks as I pull a helmet-like machine onto her head.

"Cuz I know why the thing hates you." I can't resist a little smile as I say;

"Cuz they want to be you."

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