The Ooo Royal Meeting

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I've never liked the Ooo Royalty meetings. Too many princesses arguing about a bunch of nothing. But I have to stay attentive today, because I'm leading it.

"I know!" I shout over the overapping voice of concerned princesses, "That this level of hate hasn't been sensed in Ooo for a very long time but I have refined my machine to detect which kingdom the hate is coming from." I twiddle a screwdriver, and the screen on my walkie-talkie-like machine produces me a map of Ooo and one, blinking dot. Turning some dials amid utter silence, I zoom in.

"That doesn't make any sense..." I mutter.

"What?" Raggedy Princess says, "Princess Bubblegum says it doesn't make any sense!" The room erupts once more into worried arguing.

"Thanks a lot, RP," I say.


"The hate isn't from any kingdom!" I shout, "But it is in Ooo. That is the good news. The bad news seems to be everywhere."

Princesses muter in worry.

"But who's it aimed at?" Slime Princess calls out.

"It is aimed at..." I twiddle some dials, "A cave. Outside the border of the Candy Kingdom..." I trail off, because I now know who this fatal hate is aimed at.



I run outside the Hall, leaving the other Princesses confused. Outside I scream for the Royal Swan and she appears immediately. Forcing her to fly faster than ever before, I manage to get to Marceline's place in just under seven minutes.

"Marcy, Marcy!" I shout, throwing the door open.

"Geez, Bonnie, what's up?" She's stopped playing, but I have a hunch she's playing that really old song I taught her.

"I found out who is so hated..." I say, not knowing how to tell her.

Marceline sighs, "It's me, isn't it?" She floats down onto her sofa, her axe-bass slumping limp on her back, "It's always me."

I walk over to the sofa and sit close to her, "Hey," I say softly, holding her hand, "It's not always you that's hated. And no mater how hated you are, you will also be the most loved. I love you more than anything, Marceline Abadeer. Don't you forget that."

"And because of how much I love you, will you please move into the Candy Castle? I don't want you getting hurt."

Marcy sighs, "Ok, I'll grab some clothes."

She comes downstairs with a small suitcase, containing (I guess) about three changes of clothes and Hambo. Her axe-bass is slung around her shoulders. She offers to give me a rise to the Candy Kingdom, but I decline, worried about how wide-spread the hatred is. Instead, we ride my royal swan. 

"So, who exactly hates me?" Marceline asks, then her face floods with dread, "It's not another vampire, is it?"

"No, not a vampire, too wide-spread." I say, "But it's everywhere. Oh glob..."


"I don't want to lose you..."

"You won't." Marcy says the two syllables with such conviction that I almost believe it.


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